CH 8: USJ Part 2: Roar of the Thunder Beast

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Previously on Claws and Lightning...

Class 1A's rescue training in UA's Unforeseen Simulation Joint turned into a life of death situation, due sudden appearance of a group of criminals who called themselves, "The League of Villains".

Aizawa commanded Thirteen to protect the students as he fends off the villains himself until backup arrives. However, the students and Thirteen were intercepted by black and purple amorphous figure and many were scattered across the various zones of the USJ.

Zeraora was able to subdue the villains who outnumbered him, and after interrogating one who was still conscious but unable to move, he rushed back to the main area.

After swiftly saving three of his classmates and teacher from what would have been certain death, The young tiger now faces the grotesque mutant called Nomu and the ringleader Shigaraki. Options are limited with numerous outcomes.


"That brat. He was able to move so fast that I couldn't even notice him". Shigaraki clutching his chest from Zeraora's attack.

"Zerachan?! When did you get here?!" Midoriya questioned. Zeraora didn't respond, instead he focused his gaze on the monstrosity and the puppet master.

'You three, take Aizawa and get out of here. I'll handle this'. He calmly spoke while his classmates quickly turned to him, with extreme shock present on their faces.

"HUH"?! Mineta shrieks.

"Kero"?! Tsuyu lets out a shocked ribbit. 

"WHAT?! Zerachan you can't! That monster was able to withstand One F-... uuuhhh, one of my punches and didn't even flinch. Your Plasma Surge won't be enough to take it out-

'Shut... Up'. Growing annoyed, Zeraora silences Midoriya paying no mind to him voicing his concerns.

'In case you haven't realized Midoriya, your obnoxious pessimism isn't helping anyone. Unless you have a better idea on how to deal with our current dilemma then let me hear it'.

Midoriya pauses for a moment.

'There, see you got nothing. None of you will be handle that monster and the creep with the hand fetish. And with Aizawa out of commission, I'm the only one here who can at the very least hold them back'.  

"Bu-but". Midoriya stammers.

'No objections Midoriya! You three are taking Aizawa and leaving the USJ, and whatever happens, do not turn back for me'!

'This isn't a request and I'm not speaking to you as your classmate'.  

'This is an order. An order from your Class Deputy'!

Midoriya was at a loss for words. Unable to concoct an adequate alternative suggestion for the situation. 

"Midoriya-kun let's go". Tsuyu speaks up.

"But Asui".

"He's right, we can't fight that thing and we're only going to hold back Zeraora-chan".

"Remember what Thirteen said saving people is a hero's priority".

Midoriya quickly thinks over the situation then assist Asui in carrying Aizawa out of the USJ with Mineta following after wiping off the beads of sweat from his face.

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