CH 4: New Territory, New Rules

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UA High is considered Japan's top hero course program, as it is the school the brought  many esteemed pros to the country including the Symbol of Peace himself, All Might.

Many aspiring youths yearn to enroll at such a prestigious institution, some desire fame, glory, justice, strength, and perhaps, vengeance.

Zeraora intends to unveil what it means to be a 'hero', but will he be able to abide by the rules of this unknown territory, only time will tell.

(Pussy Cats Residence)

 As Zeraora was about to depart for his first day his sister Pixie-Bob once again pulled him in for another hug much to his dismay, though he didn't struggle much, after years of dealing with his sister's eccentric behavior he grew to a point where he is rather numb to it, mostly anyway.

After what felt like hours Pixie-Bob finally releases her brother. '(Y/N), make sure you play nice with the other students, and respect your teachers OK 😊, said Pixie-Bob. Zeraora simply gave her a somewhat reassuring nod while also signifying that he won't guarantee anything.

(Timeskip to UA High)

As Zeraora traverses through the halls of UA High searching for his homeroom Class 1-A, his encounters Midoriya who much to his surprise was able to get admitted. 

"Hey Zerachan! looks like we're in the same homeroom", Midoriya greets. Zeraora nods as two make their way to Class 1-A. 

Having finally reached their homeroom Zeraora noticed Midoriya's nerves getting to him. "Hope those two aren't in this class, maybe everyone here is nice", Midoriya reassures himself, clearly referring Bakugo and the blue haired guy with glasses.

Unfortunately, much to their dismay Midoriya's hope was immediately dismissed as the moment Zeraora opens the door the voices of the aforementioned individuals are heard.

"Take your feet off the right now".


"It's only the first day and you're already scuffing school materiel you cretin."

"You're kidding right, your old school put a stick up your, or were you born with it"?

"What, okay let's start over I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy".

"Somei Huh! So you think you're better than me that it, I'm gonna enjoy tearing you a new one"!

"Wha ! You would threaten me! Are you sure you're in the right place"?!


" Huh, it's them"!

The glasses guy now identified as Tenya Iida turns his attention Midoriya and Zeraora, as does the rest of the class. Midoriya was rather shook with all eyes suddenly aimed at him.

"Ummm... He-hey everyone", Midoriya stuttered.

"Hello! I'm Tenya Iida from Somei"...

"Yeah Yeah I know, I'm Izuku Midoriya it's really nice to meet you". he interrupted.

" Midoriya, you realized there something more to the practical exam and I completely misjudged, I admit as a student you are far superior to me". 

Iida's statement had Zeraora rather surprised, he wonders exactly what happened with Midoriya during the exam but he chose wait and see what occurs.

"Hey I know that messy hair, Falling Boy", another's voice catches the trios attention, a brown-haired girl who Midoriya seems to recognized. The girl introduced herself as Ochako Uraraka, she also brings mention to Midoriya's action during the exam however Zeraora simply went his assigned sit, on the way he noticed Bakugo glaring daggers at him but that rather normal at this point, although he spot the same green-haired girl from the entrance exam. Just as Zeraora took his sit his ear twitched from another voice that entered the room.

Claws and Lightning (Male Zeraora Reader x Boku no Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now