CH 17: Either Work Together or Fall Apart

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Previously on Claws and Lightning...

The chaos in Hosu city has quelled. The Hero Killer: Stain has been defeated by the combine efforts of UA students: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki and Tenya Iida. The nomus unleashed were eliminated thanks to the Flame Hero: Endeavour and his intern (Y/N) Zeraora. However, Deoxys the nomu who ambushed Zeraora escaped from the premise and returned to his colleagues, Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri. Observing the events from afar, Shigaraki grew annoyed and displeased due to things not proceeding to his liking. Deoxys rejoins his colleagues and relays his assessment on Zeraora, the League's current target. He states that capturing the young tiger will be a relatively simple task, however he warns of disaster should they continue with this plan. Shigaraki ignores the warning and the trio leaves, awaiting the morning news.

The four UA students recover at the Hosu General Hospital, where they share their experience with one another. Their conversation was soon interrupted with Pro Heroes Gran Torino and Manual entering the room. Accompanying them is Hosu's Chief of Police: Kenji Tsuragamae, a tall man with a dog face. Tsuragamae came to speak regarding the Hero Killer's injuries and the repercussions with using one's quirk to cause physical harm without proper authorization. Zeraora was apalled, lives were in danger, yet the concern was directed to upholding a shallow rule. Tsuragamae quickly reconized Zeraora for his speech at the Sports Festival and inadvertently insulted him and the Wild Wild Pussy Cats. The young tiger was moments away from lashing out in rage, but the police chief resumed speaking. To avoid formal punishment, Tsuragamae suggested that they alter the story and say that Endeavour apprehended the Hero Killer. Tsuragamae thanks the UA students for their efforts and apologizes to Zeraora for offending him in any manner. The young tiger calms himself and accepts the apology, though he was still unsatisfied with the alterations.

With the conclusions of the internships, Class 1A reunite back at a UA High. Some had eventful experiences, while others were dull by comparison. The attention was quickly shifted to the three who encountered the Hero Killer. Zeraora was at his desk in silence until Fumikage Tokoyami approached him. The two spoke in private while the others went on about the Hero Killer incident. Soon after All Might burst into and dragged the students to their next hero training. A Rescue-Training race ensued within Field Gamma, Midoriya being one of the participates seems to have the greatest disadvantage. That is until he displayed agility strongly akin to Zeraora, taking the whole class by shock. Unfortunately, he suffered a single misstep and lost the race. The races have ended, All Might called for Zeraora and Midoriya to meet him after class. With strong feeling of seriousness in the air, All Might disclosed the origins of One for All along with its variant and originator All for One.

Two brothers, one became the ultimate evil while the other, who bore a strong sense of justice and thus opposed his brother. The nomus are likely a creation of that ultimate evil, waiting to reemerge a bring chaos to society, and possible the world. The two were now made aware of the looming threat, but they have more challenges to overcome before that time arrives.

Flash forward to the final week of June...

Only one week remains before the Final Exams.

"I DIDN'T STUDY AT ALL!/ I didn't study at all". Kaminari(Rank: 21/21) yelled out in a panic, while Ashido(Rank: 20/21) commented nonchalantly.


"Indeed". Tokoyami(Rank: 15/21) silently agreed.

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