CH 15: Beast vs Mutant, Electrokinesis vs Psychokinesis

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Previously on Claws and Lightning...

The UA Sports Festival finally reached the endgame. (Y/N) Zeraora and Shoto Todoroki, two students recognized as the strongest of Class 1A, at last confront each other in battle. But before their battle, Zeraora was approached by the Flame Hero: Endeavor, who urges the young tiger to not hold back on his son, while also inviting him to intern at his agency for his upcoming internship. Zeraora decides to give his invitation some thought and openly states to him that Todoroki is a coward and pathetic. The young tiger walks away and Endeavour is left with a curious thought.

The final match is finally at play, Todoroki utilizes his same tactic of unleashing large waves of ice, but Zeraora evades it and later destroys it. Todoroki proceeds to accuse Zeraora for allegedly hiding his true powers. The accusation triggered the young tiger and he assaulted his foe with brutal, savage attacks, unyielding electric punches and kicks, paralyzing his prey, and slashed his leg with no remorse. The sudden change in style had the audience, the staff and his fellow classmates in shock. Todoroki being overwhelmed so effortlessly was so bewildering, it was almost unbelievable. Todoroki's wavering conviction caught up to him, Midoriya's words, his father's action and Zeraora's outburst barraged his mind. Unable to compose himself and with fear taking over, Todoroki's only course of action was to forfeit the battle. The audience was left in shock and Zeraora was disgusted.

The top participants were handed their medals by All Might himself. Katsuki Bakugo placed in Third, was restrained after regaining consciousness from his utter defeat in the Semi-Finals. Tenya Iida would have been there as well but was called away for family reasons. Todoroki placed Second but clearly his mind too conflicted and could not say a word. Zeraora of course placed First, though it was meant to be a grand victory, too many cases of nonsense annoyed him and so he wished it to be done quickly. All Might congratulated the trio on their victory and gave words of encouragement to all the participants. Zeraora returned home, the Pussy Cats and Kota congratulated his victory, the young tiger received his well deserved rest.

The next day came around, and Zeraora awoke to the news of Pro Hero: Ingenium being hospitalized by a figure known has the Hero Killer. Zeraora suspects that this is what caused Iida's sudden departure. Zeraora returns to class and was met with praises and complaints from his classmates. Shota Aizawa steps in, freed from his bandages and relays them about the internships. He brought up a list of requests from various agency, Todoroki and Zeraora having the most. The Class soon had to come up with aliases, some were rather simple, others were unique and others were out there. Zeraora adopted the alias 'Tiger Zero, The Thunder Beast. The predator to villains'. Now the class had to choose who to intern with.

Elsewhere, Shigaraki and Kurogiri watched the Sports Festival conclude. Shigaraki had his eyes fixed on Midoriya and Zeraora. Shortly after, they were summoned by his master to meet their new ally. A mutant of extraterrestrial proportions, 'Deoxys'.

Internships for UA first years are coming in, Class 1A were just given the requests from hero agencies that invite them for their internship. Aizawa instructed them to turn in their choices by the end of the week, i.e, in two days. He explains that each agency specializes in different aspects of hero-work. Leading Midnight to urge them to choose wisely.

Zeraora was seated at his desk thinking over his choice to learn under Endeavor.

'The Flame Hero: Endeavor. Number Two Pro Hero in Japan, second only to All Might. They say he clawed his way to that rank with sheer will power. Todoroki's words about him makes him seem very ambitious and obsessive with power. His treatment to his family isn't really a positive point. Either way, Endeavor may be a terrible person, but he's still a highly skill and experienced pro hero'.

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