[Season 2] CH 9: Recovery, Secrets and War

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Previously on Claws and Lightning...

A disaster had struck, students aspiring to be heroes were pulled into a fight for their lives. (Y/N) Zeraora had thrown his power, skills and natural instinct at the Bioengineered Anti-Symbol of Peace dubbed, "Nomu". Though as capable as Zeraora was and with the intervention of some of his classmates, Nomu's inhuman strength and possession of multiple quirks proved to be too much for the young tiger and company.

When the odds were against him and desperation overtook him, Zeraora rose once more and faced Nomu displaying power exceeding the expectations of his classmates and the intruding villains. Victory in battle was achieved but Shigaraki, the ringleader along with Kurogiri, his right-hand man were forced to flee from the USJ. Zeraora collapsed and was put into recovery along with his homeroom Shota Aizawa and the Space Hero: Thirteen.

Though the events in the USJ was not as originally planned, Class 1A regardless, had received invaluable experience. However the threat of the League of Villains still lingers, and many questions had been spawned.

(League of Villains hideout)

Emerging out from the warp gate into a bar, Shigaraki falls to his knees the shock and fear from Zeraora's outburst persists within him.


"That was wrong! That was all wrong"! The veins in Shigaraki's eyes look as if they going to burst. "The plan would've work, but that-that brat, that monster"! He was unable to keep his mind steady, until a voice halted his train of thought.

"Clearly, it seems that plan failed and something has you shook, Tomura". A gentlemanly yet ominous voice filled the room.

"Not something, some-ONE". Kurogiri corrected seeing as Shigaraki couldn't immediately respond.

"OH? I take it that All Might defeated Nomu". The Mystery Man infers.

"No". Shigaraki answered, having finally composed himself. "It was one of the students".

"Excuse me"?! Shock and confusion present in the Mystery Man's voice. "That nomu was designed to fight and kill All Might! And a student was able to defeat it"?!

"That's right Master". Shigaraki calmly confirmed.

"We were unprepared for such an event, the students of UA did show such promise however, that boy was beyond any normal child. As result of the power he unleashed we couldn't retrieve nomu's body ". Kurogiri elaborated.

Shigaraki stood from the floor regaining his menacing glare.

"Zeraora! One of these days I'm going to kill you for embarrassing me". He declared with new found vigor.

"Wait. The child's name is 'Zeraora'"? The Mystery Man inquired.

"Yeah, at least that was name one of the student called him". 

"Did he bear a tiger-like appearance"?

"Yeah"? Shigaraki rose an eyebrow.

"Did he also possess an electric-based quirk".


"Master how do you all this? Is there something we should be aware of about this kid?" 

The Mystery Man began chuckling malevolently. "If this boy is who I believe he is, then perhaps killing him would be unwise, in fact he could prove useful to us".

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