CH 6: Class Representative? Not Happening

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Previously on Claws and Lightning...

Class 1A was subjected to their first ever class on Heroics, led by the Symbol of Peace himself. Izuku Midoriya was pitted against his long time classmate and bully Katsuki Bakugo, who was planning on tormenting the poor boy in order to demonstrate his superiority. But it backfired, and Bakugo was met with soul-crushing defeat.

(Y/N) Zeraora was put in team of three against one of the four students admitted to UA via recommendations, Shoto Todoroki. Using his own natural instincts and training with the Pussy Cats, Zeraora seemingly defeated his foe with hardly any trouble. While his classmates were complementing him for his performance Todoroki gave the Young Tiger a distinctly cold glare.

Though the mystery behind Midoriya's quirk still plagues Zeraora's mind.

  (Pussy Cats Residence)

"So on your first heroics class you were able to out perform a student admitted through recommendation?! Keep that up and your gonna be the talk of the town, and maybe catch the girls attention😜. Ryuko jokingly teased, while Zeraora just gave his signature unimpressed look 😒.

"On a serious note, how's UA made so far, made any new friends"?

Zeraora shook head signaling 'not yet'.

"Oh, well anyway it's been what your second day give it a bit. Be a good kitty alright, also if I hear anything about a girl I expect to be given full details you hear😊".

Zeraora finished packing and immediately went for the door ignoring his sister's last comment.

(Time Skip) 

Zeraora making his way to UA while also blasting "Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics through his earphones. Though even with that, his ears catches the obnoxious yelling coming from outside the school.




After hearing the news that All Might is now a teacher at UA, the media has swarmed the front gates of UA in hopes of getting an interview with The No.1 Hero. At the expense of pestering the students and staff.

Hoping to make his way through the unruly crowd with issues, Zeraora came into view with a reporter who then shoved a microphone in his face.

"You there! What is it like having All Might as teacher? What has he been teaching you? Has disclosed anything about his power"?! The female reporter unloads a barrage of questions expecting an answer.

Zeraora, having none it continues on to the campus with his patience slowly dying.

But then, one reporter made the fatal mistake of attempting to stop him by trying to grab his tail fur.

The result was an electrical discharge that proceeded to short circuit all cameras within range startling the reporters, and the fool who caused it was met with temporary paralysis.

Claws and Lightning (Male Zeraora Reader x Boku no Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now