Chapter 7

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Surviving the Apocalypse


" do we get down?" Yuna asked. 

We looked around the rooftop for a way down to the street.

"We could try using a zipline." Ryujin suggested.

"" Yuna said crossing her arms. "Besides, do you see any place to zipline around here?"

"Hmmph. I was just saying. Besides, we could use our bras." Ryujin said rolling her eyes. 

I frowned at Ryujin.

"Are you serious? Because there is no way any of our bras would be able to resist our weight, let alone support us while we are ziplining." Yuna said rolling her eyes at Ryujin.

"I don't know. I would think Y/n's are pretty strong since they are able to contain these absolute mountains of breasts." Ryujin said putting a hand on my left breast.

I gasped and jerked backwards, looking at Ryujin with a surprised expression.

"I mean...that's true but that's still not a viable option. Much less a smart one." Yuna said shrugging.

I frowned at both of them and backed away.

My breasts aren't that big.....right? I thought and glanced at them while putting my arms around them protectively. 

"Anyway, let's just keep looking." Ryujin said and Yuna snorted at her but started looking for a way down.

I glanced around the roof and noticed a trapdoor that led down into the floor beneath the roof.

I snapped my fingers at Ryujin and Yuna and they looked over at me.

They then looked where I was pointing and saw the clearly marked trapdoor with arrows pointing towards it painted onto the floor. 

"Wow. How did we not see that?" Yuna said and walked over to it.

She grasped the handle and was about to open it when Ryujin stopped her.

"Watch out! There could be zombies beneath it." Ryujin said having walked over and grabbed Yuna's wrist.

"Oh. Yeah. You have a point." Yuna said letting go of the handle.

I got out my combat knife and walked over to the space besides the trapdoor. 

Ryujin put her ear next to the trapdoor and listened closely.

After a while, she rose up and tilted her head a bit.

"I don't hear anything but that's not necessarily a good thing." Ryujin said.

She got out her gun and grasped the handle. 

"There's probably a ladder leading down so be careful when you're going down that." She said.

Yuna and I nodded.

I got out my pistol and aimed it at the trapdoor.

"Alright. I'm opening it." Ryujin said and slowly opened the trapdoor.

Yuna and I looked down at the floor beneath us and saw no zombies.

Yuna sighed in relief and put her pistol away.

I held up an OK sign.

Ryujin nodded and opened the trapdoor all the way.

I pointed to myself and held up one finger.

"You're going first?" Yuna asked.

I nodded.

"Well, fine by me." Ryujin said and aimed her gun down the opening. "But if a zombie comes, you'd best move out of the way."

I smiled and nodded at her before grasping the first rung of the ladder.

I put up my pistol and started climbing down the ladder.

Yuna and Ryujin looked around the space I was going into even though we already checked it once.

I quietly made it down the ladder and looked around.

Though I hadn't gotten a clear look before, I could see that we were in what looked like a living space. There was a fairly modern TV as well as several rolled up blankets and pillows on the floor. 

There was a bathroom and several closets as well.

I gestured for the others to follow me down before searching around the place more thoroughly.

Ryujin landed with a grunt after she slid down the ladder.

Yuna carefully made her way down and looked around.

Nothing useful to us right now is here. I thought after I finished searching.

"Anything useful?" Yuna asked me.

I shook my head and she nodded.

"Alright. Well, let's get back to base first before we search this building." Ryujin said and we headed towards the stairs that were towards the left of the ladder.

I listened intently but didn't hear any noises so I signalled us to go down.

After carefully making our way down two floor, on the second floor, we saw a zombie lying on the ground, motionless.

I glanced at the others.

It was next to the stairs and we had to pass by it to get onto the first floor.

We could tell it was a zombie from its appearance and the way it twitched a little from time to time.

I mouthed at the others, 'Quietly. Make. Way. Down.'

They nodded and we held our breaths before trying to sneak by it.

I sneaked past it first, the zombie not even reacting to me.

Then, Yuna walked past it and it twitched noticeably but it didn't do anything.

When Ryujin tried to sneak past it, it suddenly let out a groan and we froze.

It opened its eyes and its limbs moved.

It was about to get up when I lunged towards it and drove my knife into its neck.

Yuna grabbed its head and kept its mouth closed while Ryujin held its hands.

The zombie struggled violently, thrashing its legs and giving out muffled shrieks, but I managed to wriggle my knife further into its neck and cut through its spinal cord.

It suddenly went limp and stopped moving, fully dead now.

We all let out breaths we had been holding until now. 

"Well that was fun." Ryujin said.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- update!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

See you next chapter!!!!!!

The Dead's Rampage (Twicexfemale reader)Where stories live. Discover now