Chapter 34

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The Apocalypse (Approaching Eve of Finale of Season 1)

Mina POV

I shot my SMG several times behind me downing a zombie but ten more just took its place.

Urgh. So. Many. I thought as I fired again.

Yuna and Nayeon were running ahead carrying Y/n who seemed to be dazed.

What happened? I thought glancing at her worriedly.

I heard screeching and saw several zombies sprinting ahead of the others and running at us.

I narrowed my eyes at them.

They seem....different. I thought before I shot at one, downing it. 

The others screeched and starting to run faster.

What the-? I thought before gunning down one that was getting too close.

Once again, the others screeched and ran faster.

"Run faster!!" Yuna shouted when she spotted the weird running zombies catching up.

"Geez. Y/n is so light." Nayeon said looking at Y/n with a concerned expression while having a hand on Y/n's breast. "Hang in there!! We're almost to the stairs!"

We ran as fast as we could as the zombies seemed to slowly be catching up to us.

We managed to make it to the stairs in time before we slammed the door shut in the faces of the zombie horde.

They slammed against the door causing it to shudder and groan as it was straining to contain the flood of zombies.

"W-We need to move. Now!" I said as I panted.

"Let us catch our breath first Mina." Nayeon said sprawled out on the ground.

"Ughh! I don't think I've ran so fast in my life." Yuna said leaning against the wall, panting hard.

Y/n sat up holding her head and staring ahead.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" I asked her and leaned closer to her face.

She jumped slightly and looked around before blushing when she spotted me right up in her face.

'I'm alright now.' Y/n signed shyly.

"What happened back there?" I asked.

She paused for a bit before signing, 'Rescue everyone and I'll tell you.'

"Why can't you tell me now?" I asked softly caressing her cheek.

Y/n sighed leaning into my touch before signing, 'It's complicated. Just. Please. I'll tell you later.'

I sighed and nodded making her smile brightly at me causing me to blush.

Suddenly, Nayeon ran up to Y/n and cradled her while raining kisses on her lips.

"My baby!! Are you alright?" Nayeon asked as she kept pecking Y/n's lips.

Y/n blushed hard and mouthed that she was fine.

Nayeon sighed in relief before hugging Y/n close to her.

"Don't scare me like that again?" Nayeon said in a bossy tone.

Since when was Nayeon like this? I thought with an annoyed expression. So annoying.

I pushed her off Y/n and said, "We need to go before those zombies somehow break through. You're welcome to stay here and get eaten of course."

The Dead's Rampage (Twicexfemale reader)Where stories live. Discover now