Season 2 Preview

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??? POV

I gasped as I saw the scene in front of me.

My entire group had been killed.

I saw the two things turn their heads towards me.

I shuddered as those white creatures looked at me with dead, soulless eyes. Their skins darkened and they became more grey than white.

One of them looked at me with intelligent eyes while the other looked at me with hungry eyes that had some semblance of intelligence in them.

I could compare them to a psychopath who killed subtly and a psychopath who killed brutally and clearly yet smart enough to escape every time people ask questions. 

The intelligent one cocked its head at me, studying me. The hungry one twitched and opened and closed its mouth. 

Then, the intelligent one turned around and started to walk away.

I grit my teeth and aimed for its head with my revolver and shot.

It turned around even before I pulled the trigger and dodged the bullet.

It then made a sort of whistling sound and the hungry one charged towards me, extremely quickly.

I immediately ran, shooting at it.

The bullets simply bounced off of its chest and arms. 

My eyes widened and I ran faster but it was gaining on me.

I jumped down the stairs, using the railing to support me.

I maneuvered my way down two flights of stairs this way and looked up.

To my shock, the thing copied my movements exactly and was heading towards me.

I ran down the stairs before it reached me.

After a while of running, I turned around and saw it was no longer chasing me.

I breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards an exit quickly.

If I can just make it out of this building, I should be home free. I thought.

I walked out of the building and saw the truck there.

I headed towards it when suddenly, that thing jumped from a window and landed on top of the truck, crushing the roof and the seats as well as rendering it unusable.

It gave a snarl and started crawling towards me.

I cursed and aimed my revolver at it and shot but the revolver just made a clicking sound.

I cursed again and was about to reload when a huge hand reached out and grabbed me before lifting me up into the air.

I looked in surprise to see the intelligent thing looked at me.

It regarded me for a moment before making another whistling sound.

I twisted around to see the hungry thing had stopped crawling and was just standing there, twitching.

I looked back at the thing holding me and it held up a picture.

"Where?" It said.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Y-You can talk?!" I exclaimed.

"Where?" It repeated, its grip on my arm tightening.

I looked at the picture to see a beautiful girl smiling. 

I frowned and examined her.

"I-I don't know her." I said.

It looked at me before making a whistling sound and tossing me.

The hungry thing grabbed me and ripped me in half.

The shock and pain caught up to me and I screamed but no sound came out.

My body lay on the ground as my vision started to fade.

W-What? I thought weakly before everything went dark.

The last thing I saw was those two creatures walking away.


Well here it is. The preview. Of Season 2. These are the Big Bads here. 

Pretty scary, huh?

Well, see you in Season 2!!!

The Dead's Rampage (Twicexfemale reader)Where stories live. Discover now