Chapter 32

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The Apocalypse


I tapped Tzuyu's hand.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

'I have a plan.' I signed. 'To distract those zombies.'

"What plan?" She asked frowning.

I gestured to something and Tzuyu's eyes widened.

"Those?" She said looking at me.

I nodded enthusiastically.

We glanced back over at a bunch of Hello Kitty airhorns. 

Huh. I think I have one of those actually. I thought musing to myself.

Tzuyu just sighed and said, "I never thought I would see one of those since I threw away the one I had."

My head snapped towards her, my eyes reflecting fire.

'You mean the limited edition one I gave you for your birthday that I stood in line for three hours for??!!!!' I signed angrily.

Tzuyu's eyes widened.

"I-I mean...not t-that one..w-well..." She stammered as I freed myself from her arms and glared at her.

"I-I....well..i-it's not what you think Y/n." Tzuyu stammered and grabbed my hand.

'We'll discuss this later.' I signed. 'But for now. No more hugs or kisses for a month.'

"Noooo!!" Tzuyu cried and hugged my legs. "I'm sorry!"

"What the fudge is going on here?" Jeongyeon said coming up and glaring at Tzuyu.

'Tzuyu threw away my limited edition Hello Kitty airhorn that I gave her for her birthday.' I signed and looked away from Tzuyu's puppy eyes with huff.

"Oh good job Tzu-I mean..uhh...why would you do that?!!" Jeongyeon said as she nervously chuckled at my glare.

Hmmph. I thought. No one appreciates my tastes.

'No more hugs or kisses for you either.' I signed to Jeongyeon.

"No! Wait Y/n." She wailed and clung onto my other leg.

I rolled my eyes and signed, 'Go join the other team to rescue Sana and Chaeyoung.'

While those two were clinging onto my legs and sobbing, Sakura walked up with Ryujin and glanced at the two on my legs.

"Uhhhh....I don't even want to ask at this point. Just wanted to know what you had in mind. Mina's freaking out over there and being all Sherlock Holmesy and Nayeon, Yuna, and Lia are playing mafia with no mafia." Sakura said.

I pointed to the Hello Kitty airhorns.

"Oh I haven't seen one of these in a while." Sakura said and picked one up.

"Hey. I think I have one of these. Or maybe it was Lia's." Ryujin said picking one up. "So we're going to use these to attract the zombies?" 

I nodded.

"Good plan. I approve." Ryujin said holding up a thumbs-up. "But whose on the rescue team and whose on the distract team."

"Let's discuss that now." Sakura said and called everyone to the center.

I managed to walk over there with the ostrich and Yoda attached to my legs.

I sighed.

'Do this mission successfully and I might consider taking it back.' I signed to them and they instantly gathered themselves and stood up.

"Don't worry. We'll resuce Sana and Chaeyoung so good that they'll be giving us praises for days." Jeongyeon said with a salute.

"Yeah. What she said." Tzuyu said.

I smiled at them and then laughed slightly.

"Hey lovebirds!! Sana and Chaeyoung are literally dying as we speak." Sakura said.

We quickly walked over.

"Alright. I have a plan. Y/n is too weak right now to fight those zombies but not weak enough to run from them. So I want some people who think they can protect her long enough to get away." Sakura said.

I glared at Jeongyeon and Tzuyu when they were about to raise their hands and they froze.

"I'll do it." Mina, Nayeon, and Yuna said.

"Great you three! Now that that's settled. The rest of us will rescue Sana and Chaeyoung." Sakura said grabbing four Hello Kitty airhorns and giving them to us. 

"I have a four-step plan!" Sakura announced and brought over a chalkboard from a classroom.

Aren't Sana and Chaeyoung dying as we speak? I thought staring at Sakura ramble on about her master plan.

"Any questions?" Sakura asked.

I raised my hand.

Where do we get a nuke? Also how does a jelly donut help?' I signed.

Sakura sighed and clicked her tongue.

"See Y/n. You lack imagination. We get uranium illegally from a nearby mine that I think about it. Probably a bad idea." Sakura said scratching her head.

I walked up to the board and just wrote, 'Distraction team pull most zombies away. Rescue team distracts the remaining zombies with airhorns and eliminate them.'

Then, I proceeded to draw an intricate map of that floor of the building and highlight the routes each team would be taking as well as writing backup plans.

"Well......that was way better than Sakura's." Nayeon said smiling at me.

"Let's do that!!" Yuna said.

"I like Y/n's plan better." Lia said raising her hand.

"Yeah......I think my idea is bad too." Sakura said sighing.

'Cheer up.' I mouthed to Sakura and hugged her.

Sakura quickly glanced to the four girls to be met with sharp glares watching her very closely.

S-Scary.... Sakura thought before pulling away hastily.

"It's fine Y/n. Let's just hurry up and rescue Sana and Chaeyoung." She said to me.

I nodded and picked up my airhorn.

I sent a glare to Jeongyeon and Tzuyu who gulped before walking over to Sakura and the others.

"Let's go Y/n." Nayeon said coming up to me.

I smiled at her and nodded.

"Let's go!" Yuna said running past us to the stairs. "Two girls are literally dying as we speak. Hurry it up you three."

I looked behind me to see Mina's hands clutching my shirt and Mina looking at me with confident eyes.

"I'm ready." She said before slinging her SMG onto her shoulder.

I nodded and we walked to the stairs.


So? I'm back and no one misses me? Rude. Hmmph.

*Attempts to pout sadly*

OOF. Well ignore that. I got an update out. Yayyyy.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

See you next chapter loves!!!!

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