I'm really really really really really sorry

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Got you with that title didn't I? Not to worry. I just need you guys' help with something.

I'm really sorry but I need you tell me what you think. Just a snippet of a new thing I have been working on. This won't be a regular occurrence and I don't know if I'll actually publish that book. 


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Dahyun -


Duplication: Dahyun possesses the ability to duplicate herself into multiple physically-identical copies of herself, each with a distinct personality. All of these duplicates possess the same abilities as her including duplication, enabling her to quickly make a huge group. If Dahyun's real body were to be destroyed or killed in some way then she can transfer her consciousness in one of her duplicates.

Extremely Enhanced Senses: Dahyun possesses extremely enhanced senses that are superior to anyone else on her team. She can see something with perfect clarity from 3 miles away as well as hear and block certain frequencies of sound. If she were to taste something that a person touched within 48 hours then she is able to identify the person that touched this particular object. Dahyun's sense of smell is sharper than a bloodhound's.

Enhanced strength and durability: Dahyun possesses superhuman strength and durability which is the same level in all her duplicates as the real body making them very formidable.


Mental Strain: The more duplicates that Dahyun makes, the more strain it puts on her mind so making above a certain amount of duplicates will leave too much of a strain on her mind.


Chaeyoung -


Telekinesis: Chaeyoung possesses the ability to lift objects and people with her mind. She not only possesses the ability to lift but also hurl objects or people at extremely fast speeds or hold them in the air. Chaeyoung is also capable of generating concussive telekinetic blasts of force in waves in a certain direction or in a certain radius and able to use the blasts like a spear.

Accelerated healing: Chaeyoung possesses the ability to heal much faster than is normally possible and heal almost all wounds quickly which has makes her very difficult to damage.

Enhanced strength and durability: Chaeyoung possesses extremely strong superhuman strength and durability, being only behind Jihyo and Tzuyu in this regard.


Weight limit: Chaeyoung is unable to easily lift objects that are more than a certain weight and lifting any higher than the limit puts great strain on Chaeyoung though Chaeyoung can naturally increase this limit.


Tzuyu -


Extreme Superhuman Strength: Tzuyu possesses the greatest superhuman strength of any in her group and possibly any other enhanced. She has been recorded as lifting in excess of 4000 kilograms and ripping apart sheets of steel with her bare hands. Tzuyu was also able to jump long distances.

Extreme Superhuman Durability: Tzuyu possesses the greatest superhuman durability of any in her group and possibly any other enhanced. She has survived a shot from an anti-tank weapon with no visible injury and is unbothered by sniper fire in which the bullets shattered against her skin.

Accelerated Healing: Tzuyu possesses the ability to heal much faster than is normally possible and heal almost all wounds quickly.

Sixth Sense: Tzuyu possesses a sixth sense that alerts her to the presence of other people or animals in an area around her so it almost impossible to sneak up on her.


No known weakness???





So? What do you guys think? It was my version of their powers. It's not final too. Got some kinks too work out. 

You can tell me your honest opinions. Just no hate comments.

Anyway, again.

I'm really sorry. I know you guys were expecting an update but one is coming. So don't worry about it.

P.S. It's kind of a yandere book. I mean. It has the vibes there. Mina's power is mind manipulation and she does something to Y/n's mind. Up to you to guess what she does. 

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