Chapter 19

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The Apocalypse


I looked over the wall and looked down to see only a few dogs that were growling and prowling around the bottom but weren't actively trying to get us.

I made an 'OK' sign.

Yuna and Jeongyeon nodded.

I looked over at the bookshelf.

It seems strong enough to hold my weight. I thought.

I lifted my shirt and checked my stomach to see how much fat I had there.

Jeez. I didn't know I was this fat. I thought squeezing what I thought to be a lot of fat.

(Jeongyeon and Yuna: *Nosebleed from seeing Y/n's fit body*)

(Author-nim: *Looks at stomach* I'm so fat. *Wipes away tears*)

I sighed and shrugged.

Might as well at least try. I thought.

I turned around and walked a few steps forward.

I frowned at Yuna and Jeongyeon who had red faces and were wiping their noses with some towels they found on the ground.

I just shrugged it off and looked at the nearest bookshelf.

"Are you sure about this Y/n?" Jeongyeon asked with worry on her face after recovering from earlier.

I nodded confidently and smiled at her.

"Well, good luck. Y/n. And make sure not to kill us all." Yuna said saluting earning her a glare from Jeongyeon.

That glare is ho-No! Y/n! Now's not the time to think about that! I said slapping myself.

I focused my eyes on the bookshelf and quickly made an estimate of how much I should jump and ran forward.

As I neared the edge, I jumped forward.

Time seemed to stand still as I flew forward with Jeongyeon's and Yuna's eyes widening and the dogs below looking up with their mouths open.

I slammed into the top of the bookshelf, the impact knocking the breath out of me and briefly stunning me.

Suddenly, I started slipping and I widened my eyes and grasped at the bookshelf as my fingers just seemed to slip off.

I heard Yuna scream.

The dogs seemed to notice the sound of me slamming into the bookshelf and were beginning to gather beneath me.

I flailed wildly for a bit, my nerves on fire, until I finally managed to grip onto the bookshelf and hoist myself on top of it.

I panted and lied there for a few seconds before getting up.

I saw Yuna and Jeongyeon looking at me with relief in their eyes.

'I'm fine.' I signed to Jeongyeon with shaking hands.

Jeongyeon nodded.

"I'm next." Yuna said.

She went back a few steps before jumping forward and slamming into the bookshelf like I did.

I quickly grabbed her hands before she could slip.

I pulled her up and she clung to the bookshelf.

"I felt it shaking." She said looking up at me.

I chuckled and then I looked up to gesture Jeongyeon to jump as well.

She gulped and slapped herself.

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