Chapter 9

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Surviving the Apocalypse


I was carried by Tzuyu back into the building.

"Hey guys!!" Dahyun said to us before looking at me in surprise. "Why are you carrying Y/n,  Tzuyu?"

"She has an injury." Tzuyu said.

Dahyun immediately looked at me with a serious expression.

I chuckled nervously and waved my hand to signal it wasn't that big of an injury.

Dahyun simply glared at me before saying, "Let's talk more about that when we've finished gathering."

Then, she walked along side us as we walked inside.

"Welcome back guys!!" Lia exclaimed and hugged all of us (somehow very carefully hugging me while Tzuyu was carrying me).

"H-Hey. Get off of me!!" Ryujin and Yuna said after she practically tackled them with a hug.

"Hey. I'm just glad you're back." Lia said pouting.

"What about me?" Sakura asked.

"Oh....yeah. You too." She said before turning back to Ryujin and Yuna.

Sakura: (ಥ﹏ಥ) No one appreciates me around here. 

I poked Tzuyu's eyes to stop her from staring at Lia with murderous intent after she hugged me tightly.

'Stop it.' I signed to her.

She glared at me instead and carried me to one of the seats that had been set up in the Meeting Room.

The Meeting Room was where we held all of our meetings and gatherings and was located on the first floor near the armory. It was basically a surprisingly large conference room that we had changed to suit our own purposes.

Jihyo, Mina, and Momo were already inside and were waiting for us.

"You know you could have come out to greet us." Sakura said.

"Sorry. There was something we had to check out and you guys came back in the time we were doing that." Jihyo said before fixing her eyes onto the wound on my leg.

How do they always know?! I thought.

Jihyo glanced at Mina and Momo and some sort of message passed between them because those two also stared at my wound.

It's literally just a scratch!! (⋟﹏⋞) I thought.

A deep one. Hoonie said.

You're not helping. I thought.

"Okay. Before you girls deal some sort of kinky punishment to Y/n for a minor wound, can we go through with our meeting." Sakura said in an exasperated tone. "I'm too tired to deal with any more of Twice today."

"Fine..." Jihyo said before turning to look at the rest of us. 

"You guys came back safe!!!" She said suddenly squealing and hugged all of us. "I was so worried one of you was going to get injured."

"Yeah." Mina said and joined the hug along with Momo. "I mean, we would have absolutely been panicking if one of you was injured. We can't have that would we?"

"I'm just glad you all are back." Momo said cutely.

Aww. She's so cute. I thought fangirling internally before Momo flashed me a look that read, 'Just you wait.'

I shivered.

"So, let's see what we all got." Jihyo said after she stepped away from the hug.

We all sat down with Tzuyu sitting me down on her lap.

'You don't need to have me sit down on your lap. I can sit somewhere else.' I signed to her, blushing slightly. 

Tzuyu wrapped her arms around my waist in response and held me close to her.

"So, we got these." Ryujin said putting cans of tuna and soup onto the table. "Everything else was a bit ruined or too heavy to take."

"Okay. Sakura? Your group?" Jihyo said looking at her.

"Well, we found these supplies." Sakura said and put down a small box of frozen chicken, several chocolate bars, and bag of vegetables.

"Oooooh." Dahyun said and grabbed a chocolate bar. "I've been deprived of you for so long. Finally, we are united again."

She then hugged close to her chest.

I giggled at her while the others just rolled their eyes.

"Okay. What about your group?" Jihyo said looking at Tzuyu, Sana, and Chaeyoung.

"We got a whole bunch of stuff." Chaeyoung announced and put down their backpacks before dumping out their contents.

"Chaeng. A little caution please." Jihyo said clicking her tongue.

"Sorry." She said.

On the table was a bunch of meat, pork and beef mostly, in several containers.

"Woah!" Sakura and Ryujin said before whistling.

"Oh. Fresh meat." Lia said looking at it excitedly. 

Yuna frowned at her.

I looked at the meat on the table and stiffened.

Memories of the crash came back to me and I gripped my head as my body seemed to relive the accident.

"Y/n?" Tzuyu asked in a worried tone but her voice was muffled like I was under water and she was above me in the air.

Flashes of pain went through me and I squeezed my eyes shut as I saw the truck barreling towards me in my mind. Any sounds from my surroundings disappeared and I was suddenly in my memories, reliving them. 

Y/n!!! Hoonie shouted but I just ignored him as a faint ringing started to grow in my ears.

My throat started to ache slightly and I started breathing harder as I relived the event over and over in my mind.

I was suddenly getting hit by the truck, pain flaring through me, then I was at the hospital, then I was on the street covered in blood and meat, my throat having a large gash on it with my body mangled.

Suddenly, ringing in my ears grew larger and larger to the point where it was like someone was screaming in my ears, the memories started going by faster as well as I saw not just the accident, but my past memories which I had tried to forget by burying them deep inside my mind.

I tried to scream but no sound came out of my mouth.

"Y/n!!!!!" A loud voice called out, seemingly made up of many voices, and I was jolted back to reality.

Everyone was staring at me with concern on their faces, with Jihyo right in front of me gripping my thighs as she stared at me with worry. Mina and Momo were grabbing my hands and I was still on Tzuyu's lap. Jeongyeon was, of course, massaging my breasts while Nayeon and Dahyun had their hands on my back. Sana and Chaeyoung were off to the side looking a bit crestfallen as they glanced at the meat back to me. Lia, Ryujin, and Yuna was behind Jihyo but still in front of me.

I felt hands cupping my cheeks and I looked up to see Sakura looking at me with something like fear and concern in her eyes.

"Y/n.....are you okay?" She asked hesitantly.

I looked down before I stood up.

Then, I promptly ran out of the room.


Hey, an update. Good, right?

It seems as if Y/n has some sort of trauma regarding her accident that the meat triggered. And to clarify why this didn't happen before, there was no meat except chicken at the pantry until now.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

See you next chapter!!!!

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