What Goes Around Comes Back Around In Time

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Evan's P.O.V.

When Taissa's soft lips meet mine an overwhelming sensation of warmth takes over my body. The lips I've been subconsciously missing for months are now mine- momentarily at least. And so I begin to add more pressure and even poke my tongue at her bottom lip, begging for entrance.
Taissa is the best kisser I've ever encountered and I have no doubt that she's the best in the world. There's no feeling I long more than being connect by our mouths. Her tongue, although tiny, sends intense pangs of pleasure to my crotch. Even with the mere act of kissing, Taissa gives me an erection like no other.

Eventually she pyres her red, plump lips from mine and then stares at me with wide eyes. I gulp and prepare for a long apology followed by reasons why we can't be together. However, she walks out of the car slowly, and accidentally-on-purpose flashes her underwear and then lures me to follow her by motioning her hand.

Not needing any more convincing, I yank the keys from the ignition and run after her as she strolls to the door. As if she gets immense pleasure from teasing me, Taissa drops her keys and bends over, sticking her small but thick butt in the air and allowing her sheer underwear to show.

However, I force myself to resist the urge to fuck her on the steps because I know she loves the build up. Finally, when we arrive inside, I can't take the tension any longer.

Luckily, she grabs me by my collar and forces our lips together once again. While intensely making out, she slithers her small hand down my chest and eventually to my middle to rub my growing bulge. She shocks me by gripping my belt buckle and jiggling it until it's undone. However, I beat her to anything by lifting her up around my waist and walking us to her bedroom.

When I toss her on the bed she whimpers because I part our lips to tear off her clothing. I place wet kisses on her pale neck and begin to suck lightly. As my lips and teeth work on pleasuring her, she lifts her back slightly to show her eagerness, so I swivel down to her collarbone ever so slowly and place pecks.

Taissa begins to moan and pull on my hair, pleading me to move down further so I gladly oblige and peel her shirt off to reveal her perfectly round breasts. Then I unhook her front closure bra and take her nipple into my mouth. As I alternate between sucking and biting the raised nub I draw circles around the other and pinch it between my fingers. Motivating me further with her moans I begin to leave small yellow bruises above her nipple.

"Evan," Taissa mutters and then flips me on my back. As she takes control I allow the blood rush to my cock from her light touch. Taissa sits on my lap and grinds her hips into my bulge causing moans to seep from my throat. "I don't want to wait," she whispers in my ear.

With those five words I lose all control and pounce. I force her on her back so I can hover her and rip her skirt and panties off, and as I toss the articles across the room she works on my jeans and dress shirt. However, it becomes too tedious so I rip it open not caring about the buttons. Once we're both stripped I crawl on to of her and just stare into her eyes for a few moments.

Then, I run my erection up and down her slit until she begs me to push inside. And when I finally thrust into her I gasp at how tight she is; although I wasn't too fond of Emma during our last three months together, we did have sex a few times and there is a notable difference between her and Taissa. For one, Taissa is much tighter. Plus, Taissa takes control but not to the point where I'm powerless.

"Evan!" she cries out as I pump deep into her. Her nails feel heavenly digging into my back as her moisture engulfs all of me. Our moans and grunts can be heard from outside the house, I'm sure, but neither of us care. In fact, Taissa only increases the volume of her voice and the intensity of her screams.

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