Cloud Nine

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Taissa's P.O.V.

My alarm blares through the speaker at 6:30am and I spring up out of bed and head to the shower. While I ring the shampoo out of my hair I wonder how many people will be auditioning and become a bit nervous. But I move on with getting ready anyways and change into my favorite jeans and blink 182 t-shirt. I move to my vanity and apply blush and mascara. I call a cab and then blow-dry my hair in the mean time. Before grabbing an apple for breakfast I look in the mirror and make sure I appear decent but not too dressed up. I slide on my grey vans when I hear the beep of my cab.

When pull up to the place I realize it's a mansion, which is strange because I expected a studio of some sort. I pay the cabbie and warily step out of the car to be immediately struck by the crowd waiting outside. When I finally reach inside a man with aqua hair directs me into a large room. "Are you trying out for Violet?" he asks while popping his gum and tapping a pen on his clipboard.

"Yes," I say and stare across the room. Seeing all the other females outfits make me wish I had dressed in something a bit more fancy.

"Name?" he says and scans my body up and down.

"Taissa Farmiga. T-A-I-S-S-A F-A-R-M-"

His eyes lit up and he covers his mouth. "I know your last name. Your sister is Vera, right?"

How does everyone I encounter know her? "Yes," I murmur and nod my head.

"Wow, great to have you here!" He squeals. "I love her work! She's my idol!" My furrowed brows and rolling eyes turn into a wide smile. "To be honest, you're the best-looking Violet I have seen all day. I'm rooting for you," he whispers, winks, and then nudges my side.

I smirk but then take in him once again. I truly can't tell if he's trying to be a trendsetter or just gay, but before I can even contemplate a man stomps up to him, grabs his face, and smashes his lips to the blue haired boy.

"Well, um. Yeah. Buh-bye now. Nice to meet you," I say while slowly backing up and trying to keep a straight face. Then guy, whose name I never got, doesn't even open his eyes; he just waves.

After an hour of reading a magazine, looking through Instagram, and making conversation with a few girls, a large man yelling my last name wakes me from my momentary slumber. So I jump up and run after him. He leads me to a large door and when I step in four people I don't know and Ryan greet me.

"Oh Taissa! Guys this is the girl I was telling you about!" he exclaims and then muffled voices and staring follows. "Yeah, Vera's sister!" he whisper-yells and then smiles at me. In return I give him a huge grin and try to suppress it but can't because I'm so nervous and excited. "Okay Ms. Taissa. Here are your lines." I slowly walk over to the table and pick up the paper with shaky hands. I look it over one scene quickly and take a deep breath.

"Last week," I point to my wrist. "first day at my new school- sucks." I grit my teeth for added effect. Ryan reads the other characters lines so I can continue. I scoff, "I hate it here. I hate everyone- all their designer bull shit," I finish the line with an eye roll. " East coast was way cooler," I say and then smile. "I mean, at least we had weather." I throw my eyes to the corner and frown. "Yeah me too!" I smile widely and attempt to blush. "My dad had an affair," I blurt after Ryan reads the other line. "My mom literally caught him in the act," I groan and shake my head. "Right?" I respond to Ryan's reading. "I know." I pause and brace my self for the last few lines. "And the worse part is that six months earlier my mom had this like brutal miscarriage." I inhale sharply. "The baby was seven months old. We had to have this macabre funeral." I look away from Ryan and attempt to appear sad. " Have you ever seen a baby coffin?" I scoff. Then I read the rest and am informed that the male character runs his hands over my cuts, which is supposed to make me feel uncomfortable, so I stare at Ryan and take a deep breath but hold it. Then, I walk towards the other side of the room and gulp.

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