Starving For You

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|Beginning of filming|

Evan's P.O.V.

Well, I suppose I should tell Emma today about my role. I honestly just haven't seen her for more than five minutes in the past week, and each time she was high out of her mind so there was no use telling her. Unfortunately for me, she's home and awake at this hour for some reason.

Sometimes I truly believe she has a subconscious radar that detects when something good is going to happen to me and she feels the need to stop it. But I know if I don't inform her she'll flip out and make a scene, which is something I do not want. "Emma?" I call from the bathroom while brushing my hair.

She trots in with her underwear and my old t-shirt on. She smiles and grabs the brush from my hand to help me. "Yes Evan?"

"Well, I auditioned for a television show and actually got the main role, so I start today." I chose each word with extreme caution so I don't upset Emma.

She frowns but looks back into my eyes. " I wish you would've told me but okay. Good luck! I'll see you later," she murmurs and slugs back to bed.

When I arrive at the large home I take in the outside for the first time and realize how beautiful it truly is. However when I receive a text from Taissa asking where I am I realize I've made a mistake. Apparently while I was daydreaming of Taissa, Ryan explained the home is only being used for the exterior so we have another address for filming.

Luckily it's only a ten-minute walk from here so I don't bother with a cab and just stroll to the location. When I walk on set I'm bombarded by my team and am dragged to makeup before I can have my first coffee.

However, when the hair stylist is fidgeting with my newly blonde locks I spot Taissa slumped in a chair using her phone. I notice she has no makeup on but she still manages to look gorgeous. I wave and smile to her until she looks up and yawns but quickly flutters her hand back and forth in return.

I attempt to stare at her while my under eye makeup is being applied to make me look tired, although I don't think I need it a six in the morning.

According to everything I know about my character Tate, he is supposed to be this really messed up kid until he meets Violet who gives light to his dark life, so I suppose the tired and grumpy look aids to the audiences' perception of Tate.

Next the young woman curls my hair to appear as a wild and sloppy teenager. After I'm moved to wardrobe and change into a green and black striped sweater, ripped jeans, and beat up black converse. I look very much like Kurt Cobain in the 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' music video.

Once I'm ready for acting, I run over to sit with Taissa until it's time for my first scene. "Hey Violet," I whisper in her ear and smirk.

"Oh, so I'm just Violet now?" she says with one eyebrow raised and frown. I fumble over a response because I thought she would've found that cute, on a corny way. She must have noticed me freaking out because then she puts her hand on whispers, "Relax and mine I'm just kidding with you...Tate" she winks after, which causes me to nearly faint.

"Peters! Get over here!" I whip my head to one of the director's assistants and turn back to Taissa who lets out a loud sigh. I half smile at her and then run over to set. I've never been more excited to work.

When I begin filming my first scene with Violet's father I notice Taissa watching from the corner of my eye so I try to put on my best performance and surprisingly I don't have to do a second take. Before I move to makeup and hair I wave to her and she offers a warm smile and a fast wave back.

I walk out with skeleton painted on my face and neck and when I do I can feel Taissa's stare burning into my back, but when I finish she's gone and suddenly I become upset until I remember we have our first scene together to film next.

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