Tell Me Why

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Evan's P.O.V.

"You've been on my mind since the day I spotted you at Ava's. I don't know if you remember that or not but I do, and I cherish that everyday. You are the most alluring and interesting person I've ever met in my life. When I went to Dylan's I was so worried about you. I don't want anyone to hurt you- ever. I want to protect you. I...I want to be your boyfriend," I confess while fumbling with my hands.

"Evan," Taissa breathes out, "I...I feel the same way," she says with a smile and rosy cheeks.

I jump up from her words because I was sure she wouldn't feel exactly the same. "Well, my first order of business it taking you out on a date. So let's get you ready!" I exclaim while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Okay," she mumbles and slowly steps out of the bed. I watch as she grabs her outfit from yesterday and heads to the bathroom.

"Hey, you don't have to do that. I'll wait in the living room," I comment before closing the door behind me.

A few minutes later Taissa walks out, and I instantly gasp at her sight from finally seeing her outfit that fits her body extremely well.

She clears her throat and then walks to the door. "Ready?" she pipes.

"Y-yeah," I stutter before opening the door for her. Truthfully, the reason men started allowing women to walk ahead of them is so they can stare at the their asses, but tonight I'm only trying to be as gentlemen-like as possible.

When we slide into my car, before I take off, I grab her hand and squeeze it to assure her I'm here for her and always will be. On the way to her apartment I play soft music to comfort her but don't speak because I know she's not in the mood for conversation.

Once I finally pull up to the building she hops out, but not before placing a kiss on my cheek. I watch as she strides to the lobby and wonder how I've been so lucky to have her in my life.

After a few minutes I decide to play one of my favorite bands, La Dispute, and blast the music to pass time. However, the ring of my phone rips me from belting the lyrics. Stupidly, I don't check the caller ID and just answer. "Hello?"

"Evan! Where the hell are you?! You said you would be back soon but it's been a day! I am pregnant- do you not care?" Emma screams from the other end. Truthfully, I had forgotten about her since what happened to Taissa is far more important. "You need to come home now!" she demands.

Her words instantly ignite the rage inside me that has been sitting dormant for too long. "Listen Emma, that is not my home and it never will be. I will not be returning for a few days so don't wait up," I hiss before hanging up. She doesn't deserve my time or anyone's for that matter. Knowing Emma, she is faking the entire thing or pregnant with another man's child. I suppose I'll find out soon enough.

Finally, a few minutes later, Taissa knocks on the window and wakes me from my momentary slumber. When I see her standing outside with several boxes I instantly bolt from my seat so assist her. "Thank you," she murmurs and then places another kiss on my cheek. Being polite and trying a tad bit too hard, I quickly rush to the passenger door and hold it open so she can slide in. Butterflies run through my stomach when she smiles up at me as she buckles herself.

When I drive off I decide on the plans for the evening and choose to drop her clothing off first and then surprise her with one of my favorite restaurants.

. . .

"That was lovely!" Taissa squeals as she plants her firm butt on the leather seat of my car. "Thank you so much Evan," she continues when I sit down. I turn to her and smile, but as I lean in for a kiss she pulls back and avoids my lips. This has been going on since I confessed my feelings to her.

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