The Coffee Shop

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Taissa's P.O.V.

I walk into the insanely large mall and navigate to Forever 21. As I shop I wonder why I even came in here because all I've found is cheap, slutty, and weird clothing. When I try potential outfits I become frustrated and slump to the bench. I don't even want to go to this party but Vera thinks this will actually kick off my career. Doesn't she know I'm a one-hit wonder? I'm certain she just feels bad for me because I am seemingly talent-less.

As I'm searching through more store I come across the most alluring dress. It simple, like me, being all black with quarter sleeves and the top is tight so I can show off my breasts that decided to grow in basically over night, or the last few months. I'm not the type to be revealing but I'm feeling extremely insecure lately and everyone is insisting a boyfriend would help, but I don't even know how to pick up guys, so I stupidly assume they all chose girlfriends based on their looks.

I admire the perfect outfit and twirl the bottom of the dress that flows out wide. It's a fancy skater dress, which I have plenty of. The thick, maltese material makes it feel and look expensive but it's not! I search around at the jewelry section and spot a diamond choker and then remember I have the cutest Opal earrings to match. I gather the items and wait on line but remember I need probably a purse to carry my essentials, so I drag myself to the purses and eventually come across a black clutch. Although I'm not a fashion expert but I tend to think I have decent taste in clothes. However, my go to outfit is usually leggings, a band tee, sunglasses, and vans.

After I pay, my stomach rumbles so I head to the salad bar like I should. When I stare at the bland choices I immediately sneak out of line and stroll to Shake Shack. I love burgers, or any fattening food.

As I dig into my burger the overwhelming feeling of being watched takes over, so I look up and of course my intuition is correct. The paparazzi are snapping pictures of me scarfing down my delicious meal. I try to ignore them but become confused because I'm barely face being that I have one major movie under my belt. But I continue inhaling my food because I don't really care what they will say about me since no one will even recognize me.

After a while I throw the remaining food away and grab my phone. I'm really into my Instagram, which is under a random username so I can post whatever I want without being questioned by my friends, Vera, and now, the paparazzi. As I'm uploading a picture of my meal I slam into a chest and look up to apologize but when I do I try to recall the persons name; I'm positive I've seen him before.

While trying to remember his name I apologize many times but he just smiles and says "It's alright sweet heart. No harm done" I unintentionally cackle like a freak. "You looks so familiar miss. Are you an actress?" I blush instantly. This man must be an actor or director.

"Yes. Uh, I was in Higher Ground. My sister directed it- Vera Farmiga." His eyes widen and I start to sweat. I hope they aren't feuding. When I squint at his face I instantly recall the man and how I know him.

"Taissa...right?" Ryan Murphy asks and I nod my head and try my best not to scream because he knows my name!

"Yes," I say with a wide smile while straightening the wrinkles out of my t-shirt.

"This might sound crazy but hear me out; I'm filming a new show. It's called American Horror Story. I haven't had auditions yet but you fit the exact image of what I had for one of the main characters, Violet Harmon. Would you be willing to try out? I would love to have you on the show. " My mouth immediately drops wide open and I can barely think. All I do is nod my head and allow a wide grin to spread across my face; luckily he smiles back and places his rough hand on my shoulder. "This could be your break out role Ms. Farmiga."

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