Who Do You Love?

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Taissa's P.O.V.

"Taissa!" Evan whispers in my ear and has his hands on my shoulders. "Wake up!" he begs. I flutter my eyes open and slowly sit up to Evan hovering me with a tray of food. "Good morning beautiful," he murmurs before leaving a kiss on my cheek and placing the breakfast in front of me.

"Good morning," I mutter back and scan over the meal. Realizing I haven't eaten in almost twenty-four hours I instantly dig into the delicious food, and between bites I manage to ask, "What are you doing today?"

Evan immediately stiffens and takes a deep breath. "I have too- my publicist needs me for some things. So I won't be home until late, but feel free to stay here or go out."

I can't stop a deep frown from taking over my face but still manage to form a response. "Oh okay," is all I can utter before taking a bite of toast.

"Hey," Evan coos, "why don't we meet at Ava's at seven? I'll bring some pizza so we can stay all night." After finishing his sentence he places his hand on mine and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"Okay," I say with a smile and finish my last bite. "Thank you for this," I whisper and then place my lips on his.

Things begin to heat up moments later as Evan slowly lays me on the mattress and caresses my thigh. However, the ring of his phone interrupts his soft lips sucking my neck. "I'm sorry," he mouths as he answers. While he's on the phone I run to the bathroom to get ready for the day, and as I'm curling my hair Evan walks in. "I've got to go. Anthony needs me there in fifteen minutes," Evan groans and then places his plump lips on my forehead. "I'll see you tonight."

"Bye," I shout as he shuts the front door.

For the duration of the day I lounge around the house, experiment with outfits, and even take a nap. Finally, around five o'clock I can't wait any longer so I begin to get ready for our first official date tonight. Once I slip on a skirt and crop top I touch up my make up and lather on tons of Chapstick.

After changing my hairstyle twice and reading two magazines I decide to arrive to Ava's early and begin to walk. Although I figured the long way would leave me with only a few minutes to spare, I step inside at twenty minutes until seven, and once I receive the cappuccino I ordered I plop onto my usual seat and scroll through Instagram. Ten minutes later after commenting on a few friend's pictures, liking several fan's posts, and posting a picture of my coffee, I stumble upon a picture that is so unbelievable I have to double take.

'Sleepy head' is the caption of a picture of Evan with messy hair- as if he just woke up. And considering the outfit he's wearing is the exact one he slipped on this morning, it must be recent. Tears begin to sting at the edge of my eyes and eventually I let them roll down my burning cheeks as I read over the username that posted it: Emmaroberts. How could Evan be with her after all he's said? I want to believe this is a misunderstanding but how can I with the clear evidence.

Of course they're back together- they've been dating for so long it was bound to happen. It's obvious now that Evan was only seeing me for some excitement and to spice up his life, and now that the fling is dying down he realized that he wants Emma back. I'm just an inconvenience.

"Not much longer," I mutter to myself as I quickly make my way out of the coffee shop. While sobbing I walk slowly down the sidewalk and try to figure out where to go.

Being intoxicated by anger and sadness I make my way to a place I never thought I would return to, and after knocking on the maroon door I stand back, rocking on my heels, and bite my nails. I'm not sure why I'm here but it seems to be the only option.

"T-Taissa?" Dylan practically chokes out. He's only in boxers and a t-shirt and appears to have just woken up.

"Hey," I mumble while playing with my hair. This was a terrible idea since I have no idea what to say or if I can even trust him.

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