A Big Misunderstanding Or Something Else?

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Evan's P.O.V.

"Evan pay attention to me!" Emma whines as we pull out of Taissa's apartment parking lot. I inhale sharply and roll my eyes; why did I even call her in the first place? I should've called a taxi instead.

"Emma," I begin and brace myself for her wrath, once again. She still isn't over the fact that we broke up the other night when I was at Taissa's.


"Evan! There you are! Gosh I've been looking for you everywhere!" Emma slurs as she attempts to keep her balance. She's so drunk that she didn't even notice that I walked out from another apartment.

"Emma-" Her wet lips interrupt me by attaching to mine and sucking with all her might. It is truly an awful kiss. I eventually shove her off and hold her by the shoulder. "Emma, listen to me!" I yell until she looks at me. "We are over. I am sick of this! You are a drunk slob and I will not tolerate this sad excuse for a relationship any longer!"

Once I'm done I look to Emma for a reaction but am instantly slapped twice. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again Evan Thomas Peters! I am Emma Roberts and I do the breaking up around here. So no Evan, we're not done. Got it?" I step back in disbelief. She must be really messed up on drugs because that was psychotic. Then, I begin to laugh at how ridiculous she looks and sounds. Her hair is tangled and falling from the bun it once was neatly tied in, and her makeup has worn off leaving streaks of orange on her face and her false eyelash barely attached to her lid. "What?!" she barks as she stomps her high heel covered foot.

"Emma, you're belligerent. It's time for you to go home. We can discuss our relationship status when you sober up. I'll-"

"No!" she screeches, "Who is she?" Emma asks while widening her eyes. "Who's the slut you're screwing?"

I chuckle at her utter insanity. "There isn't anyone Emma. Let's go," I demand but she doesn't listen.

"Fuck you Evan!" she begins to sway and become pale. Her words barely leave her mouth and she eyes cannot focus. "We're so over! O-V-E-" Before she can finish her sentence she faints to the ground. I run to swoop her up and drive her home before she wakes up begging for more alcohol.

End of Flashback

"Emma, we broke up. I'm not interested in a romantic relationship. Truthfully, I called you because I need a ride and a friend," I confess and the cringe in fear that she'll freak out.

"Fine, what do you want to do Peters?" she inquires as she bobs her head with the music.

"I'm starving and in the mood to have fun," I announce while staring at the window.

Emma instantly straightens her back and gasps. "Let's go to Dave and Buster!" she squeals and takes quick glances at me to pout.

"Okay, fine!" I agree and she speeds off to our destination, but I can't help feel that this is wrong- like I'm cheating on Taissa but then I remember she's cuddled up to Dylan right now.

When we arrive to the location Emma runs inside and buys us each fifty dollars of tickets. I accept the gift but am shocked by her generosity since she hadn't been this kind since we first began dating.

After an hour of tiring fun when slide into a both and scan the menu for a meal. Once we finish eating we return to the game room and versus a couple in the trivia game. Who's the first American flapper icon?

"Oh! I know this!" Emma whisper-shouts in my ear and tugs on my sleeve.

"Pick the answer!" I scream and she slams the blue button.

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