Chapter 4

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TW: Swearing

A/N: there's a lot of crutchie and tiny crutchie being a cinnamon roll in here from what I remember (I didn't read over it yet lol) so be prepared for cuteness!!

(I really like the end of this. You'll know it when ya see it)

Also please comment (vote if ya want idm) because I lOVE reading them it makes me really happy and gives me more motivation/confidence to write more.
Also I'll respond to them if they're something that I feel like I can respond to. Basically I like comments and I respond to them. Yeah. Please just comment I like reading them.

k let's go!

Davey raises his glass of water. "I say, we launched our strike in a most auspicious manner!"

The boys mumble and groan – I'm the only one who agrees with him. I don't think a lot of the boys know what is means. It makes sense, most of them didn't get an education, and for the ones who did it was very limited.

"I dunno about dat," Mush says, "But we sure scared da bejeebuz outta Weasel!"

"Yeah, and didja see da Delanceys? Dey didn't know which way was up!" Crutchie says, laughing. It's still the same laugh,I realise,it's deeper, sure, but it hasn't changed in five years.

Jack stands on the table to get our attention. I'm honestly surprised the man – Mr. Jacobi – lets us be in here when we can't buy anything.

"So, what's next?" he asks Davey, waving his hands around trying to make the answer appear.

"Now, ya have ta spread the word – let the rest a' the cities newsies know about the strike," Davey says.

I elbow Race, scribbling as I do. The newsie accent is rubbing off on him.He smirks, whispering, "We'll make a propah newsie of 'im yet!"

"Alright, you heard da man, let's split up and spread the word," Jack orders.

Newsie after newsie takes a borough or neighbourhood. Race has Midtown, Jojo took The Bronks, Jack gave Tommy Boy the East Side and Specs got Queens – but all the excitement stops when he mentions Brooklyn.

"Oh, come on, Brooklyn! Spot Colon's turf!" He's trying to rile us up, but none of the boys want Brooklyn. I'd be fine with it – I like Brooklyn, and Spot's like an older brother to me.

"Finch! You tellin' me you scared a' Brooklyn?"

Finch stands on his chair, annoyed that Jack would think so little of him. "I ain't scared a' no turf!"

The boys stare at him, shocked, till he adds on, "But that Spot Colon gets me a little... jittery."

"Oh, me an' Davey'll take Brooklyn den," Jack announces.

But I don't think Davey agrees with Jack on this one. They start fighting, just a little, Davey saying that he has to get Les home to his folks.

"Why is everyone so scared of Brooklyn?"

I look over to see a girl holding a notepad and a pen – she's a reporter.

"What're you doin' here?" Jack asks, smiling. They've met before.

She says with a smile, "Asking a question – have you got an answer?"

He scoffs. "Brooklyn is da sixth largest city in de entire woild – you got Brooklyn, you're with da moder lode... Say, for someone who works for da New York Sun... you'se sure spend a lotta time hangin' around at da World. So what's dat about, huh?" Jack's demeanour changes, and the boys near him become mockingly protective with the next words he speaks. "Are you followin' me?"

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