05. Good Form

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Dragging an unconscious adult with them, a group of Lost Boys ran through the undergrowth. They arrived at a wooden cage and locked their prisoner up. The prisoner was Neal Cassidy.

"You heard Pan," Felix said. "You know what to do with him."


The Lost Boys played chanting. Henry and Aubree watched them from a distance. One Lost Boy, Devin, approaches Henry and Aubree and nudged them with a stick.
Devin scoffed. "So, you two are the kids Pan's been looking for all this time." He nudged Henry and Aubree harder. Henry and Aubree backed away.

"Ask him," Henry and Aubree retorted as Devin attacked Henry and Aubree playfully. Startled, Henry and Aubree jumped out of his reach. "Stop it!"

"If you two can't take this, how are you two gonna handle what Pan has in store for you?" Looking down, Henry and Aubree noticed two sticks lying on the ground. Nodding, Devin encouraged Henry and Aubree to pick up the sticks. As soon as Henry and Aubree were armed, Devin charged. They engaged in a playful fight.

Pan, who was watching, commented, "Not bad. But wouldn't it be more fun, if you had real swords?"

"Bree and I've never used a real sword," Henry admitted.

Pan spoke to the twins. "This is Neverland and you two have the hearts of the truest believers. You two can use whatever you want." He placed a hand on Henry and Aubree's shoulders. "You two just need to believe, Henry, Aubree. Close your eyes and believe you're both holding a real sword." Henry and Aubree closed their eyes. Opening them again, they were both holding a blade in hand. "What are you two waiting for? Go on." Henry and Aubree charged Devin. Watching them, the Lost Boys cheered. "Go on! Go for it! Keep going! Come on!" With one stroke of their swords, Henry and Aubree cut their opponent's stick in a half. "Come on, Henry! Come on, Aubree!" Charging once again, Henry and Aubree hit their opponent and drew blood.

Henry and Aubree, shocked, said, "I'm sorry. It was an accident."

Pan looked at them. "Henry. Aubree. Don't you know the best thing about being a Lost Boy or a Lost Girl?" Pan handed Henry and Aubree their swords back. "You never apologize." He turned to the Lost Boys. "Come on." The Lost Boys cheered loudly. Pan encouraged Henry and Aubree to raise their arms in an victorious gesture.

Henry and Aubree were pleased. "Yeah."


David lit a torch. There were chalk markings on the wall. Emma struggled to remove pillows in order to examine the markings more closely. Hook watched Emma.
"You need a hand, love?" Hook asked.

"Is that a joke?" Emma shot back.

"No, I'm being quite serious." He shifted the pillows.


"What is it?" David wondered.

"It appears Neal marked his days trapped on this island," Hook answered as Emma noticed something.

"What's wrong?" Mary Margaret inquired.

"Look here," Emma noted. "Neal stopped counting."

"'Cause he got off the island?"

"He was here longer."

"Then, why would he..." David was cut off.

"Because he lost hope."

"You got that from scribbles?" Regina asked.

"I got that because it's what I did. Every time I went to a new foster home. I counted days until counting seemed pointless."

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