21. Snow Drifts

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A little girl was handed a stuffed  toy by her new adoptive parents. She waved goodbye to the other children before going into the couple's car to go to her new home. The woman who ran the home began to usher the children back inside.

"All right, everyone," the woman said. "Back inside. It's almost dinnertime." Last to leave was an eleven-year-old Emma, who continued to stare longingly as the car drove away. "Don't worry, you'll find a home too, Emma."


Emma was lost in thought as Mary Margaret and David spent time with their infant son.

"He's a handsome boy," David said.

Mary Margaret chuckled and replied, "Stop, you're going to spoil him."

"Emma, you okay?"

"What?" Emma said. "Oh, yeah, of course. You guys finally gonna tell me the name of my little brother? Or should I just keep on calling him "Hey there"?"

"Well, the thing is, there's this tradition. Back in the Enchanted Forest, whenever a new royal is born, you usually announce the name at a coronation ceremony."

"We would have done it with you if we could have," Mary Margaret added.

"You're not gonna hold him out in front to the clock tower and present him like Lion King, are you?" Emma questioned.

David laughed. "Of course not. In fact, we've decided to forego all pomp and circumstance for a nice potluck at Granny's."

"The important thing is to mark the occasion," Mary Margaret explained. "To remind ourselves that after all we've been through, we're still together. As a family." Henry and Aubree entered, carrying a newspaper ad for an apartment.

"Hey, check it out," Henry said. "Bree and I think we found us a place."

Emma, surprised and confused, asked, "You're looking for apartments?"

"What do you think?" Aubree asked as Henry handed her the paper.

"Yeah, Emma. What do you think?" Mary Margaret wondered.

Emma, still surprised, smiled and replied, "I think your grandparents can't decide what to name your uncle, and they are using a fairy-tale tradition to try and buy themselves some time." Henry and Aubree chuckled.


Regina and Robin Hood enjoyed a drink together.

"To the return of your heart," Robin Hood said and they clinked glasses. "So, how does it feel?"

"Stronger than ever," Regina answered and they kissed. Regina paused.

"What is it?"

"I just never thought I'd have this." She smiled joyfully.

"After I lost my wife, I felt like that for a long time. Her death was my fault."

"I'm sorry."

"I would have walked through hell to be with my Marian again. But, when I finally admitted to myself that she was gone and that she was never coming back, I had to let that guilt go."

"My first love Daniel was killed because of me. Because he loved me."

"And that's why you never wanted to open yourself up again."

"Tinker Bell told me it was possible. I could love again. She led me to this tavern, to a man who she said I was destined to be with. I never saw his face. But..." She picked up his arm, looking at his lion tattoo. "I did see his tattoo."

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