01. The Hearts of the Truest Believers

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[Hello, folks! Welcome back! I have made a small change; the entirety of this book, and future books, will be in third person, but of course, you'll still get Aubree and what she goes through.

Enjoy Somewhere in Neverland!]


Emma was giving birth in a prison hospital room while doctors and nurses tended to her. The clock struck 8:15.

"Big breath," the doctor said. "Breathe away, breathe away."

"Okay, here we go," the nurse told her.

"You're doing great. Hang on, hang on."

"You're almost there."

"You're doing fine."

"Keep breathing."

"You're doing fantastic. That's it. Breath, breath, breath! Doing great. You're doing great. Here you go. Keep going. Yep. Breathe, breathe. Take a deep breath. Okay big push, big push." Emma screamed. "Push, push, push!" The lights flickered and went out as Henry was born.

Emma sighed in exhaustion before screaming again and Aubree was born. Emma relaxed on the bed, both exhausted and relieved.

The doctor held the babies. "Great. Here we go. That's good. That's beautiful." He looked between the babies. "How you two doing?" He looked to Emma. "It's a boy and girl, Emma."

Emma looked away.

"Emma?" the doctor called.

Emma shook her head and the nurse whispered in the doctor's ear.

After a moment, the doctor said, "Oh. Emma, just so you know, you can change your mind."

"No, I can't be a mother," Emma told him, crying as the doctor took the babies away.


Emma, David, Mary Margaret, Mr. Gold and Regina held tight to the ropes on the Jolly Roger with Hook at the helm as the ship crossed through the portal. They finally landed on Neverland's waters. The group looked around in confusion.

"Is that it?!" Emma cried.

"Aye, Neverland," Hook confirmed.

Emma gazed at the island with determination.


Henry and Aubree landed on the shore after falling through the portal. They attempted to get up and run.

"No, uh-uh, uh, uh, uh," Greg said, grabbed the twins by their coats and shoved them. "Slow down, pals. You two got nowhere to go."

Tamara sighed. "We made it. Mission accomplished."

Henry narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure about that? 'Cause our mom is coming to get me and her. Both of them."

"You might wanna take a look around, kids," Greg said. "Do you two see any clock towers? You're both a long way from Storybrooke."

"It doesn't matter!" Aubree yelled. "Our family's been to the Enchanted Forest before, and they can get here again."

Tamara heard a weird howling noise and looked around. "Well, we're not in the Enchanted Forest. This is Neverland."

"Neverland?" the twins repeated. "You're here to destroy Neverland?"

"It's the mother lode of magic." She turned to Greg. "Where's the communicator? We need to sign the Home Office."

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