09. Save Henry and Aubree

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Emma and Regina were persistently trying to shake Henry and Aubree awake, but they remained motionless.

"Oh god, are they unconscious?" Emma asked.

"Henry, Aubree can you two hear us?" Regina wondered.

"They passed out as soon as their hearts went into Pan," Neal explained.

"Are they breathing?"

"I don't know."

From the air, Pan descended down.

Emma turned to Pan and asked, "What the hell did you do to them?"

"Oh, I didn't do anything, Emma," Pan replied. "It was Henry and Aubree. They offered me their hearts of their own free will.

Emma unsheathed her sword. "I'm gonna take them back from you." As she lunged forward, Pan disappeared out of thin air.

Pan grabbed Pandora's Box from a rock. "I don't think you have it in you." Emma turned around in surprise. "Rumplestiltskin didn't." He tossed the box around in his hands. "Why should you?"

"Where is he?"

"What did you do?" Neal demanded.

"Oh, he's right in this box," Pan answered. "Safe and sound. And out of the way. Unfortunately for you, he can't hurt me anymore. And neither can you."

"Really?" Emma retorted and she took a hit at him. Her sword cut his arm. "How did that feel?"

"Like a tickle." He flew into the air and retreated.

Emma knelt next to Henry an Aubree and said to Regina, "How are they?"

Regina rubbed Henry's chest and Aubree's shoulder. "You're going to be all right, Henry, Aubree. We're gonna get you two home."


In her home, Regina was scribbling on paper. Archie stood before her desk. "You, uh, wanted to see me?" Archie asked.

"Yes, I did," Regina replied.

"Well, if this is about Pongo's dog license, I believe it's still up to date."

"This has nothing to do with your dog." She dropped a pen on a table.

"Madam Mayor, are you all right?"

"I'm okay."

"Excuse me for saying so, but you don't seem okay."

"I don't tolerate that sort of bluntness. I'm the Que—" she paused, "—the mayor."

"I am a therapist." He smiled. "That's why you asked me here, isn't it? What is bothering you? What are you feeling?"

"Nothing. I'm feeling nothing."

"If I were to guess, I would say you're a driven woman and sometimes that can leave a hole."

"A what?"

"A hole. An emptiness. There's more to life than work. Maybe that's why you feel dissatisfied."

Regina said defensively, "I am not dissatisfied. I love my life."

"What's the point if you've got no one to share it with?"

"There's that bluntness again."

"Has there ever been a time in your life when you haven't felt this way?"

"When that little boy visited." She smiled. "Owen."

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