08. Think Lovely Thoughts

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Malcolm arranged cards on a table. "Follow the lady, gents." A woman laughed. "A shilling returns two." Indistinct conversations sounded, a coin thudded, and me laughed. "What? Don't feel too bad. You're not the only one who's been spurned by the lady tonight. She's been quite shy all evening." He giggled.

"You tricked me," a man said.

"How'd she get in there?" He grunted.

"Please, don't hurt him!" Young Rumple cried. "He's my father!"

"You'd be better off without him," the man told him before punching Malcom and threw him to the ground.

"Uhh!" Malcolm exclaimed with a groan.

"No, no," Young Rumple said, panting.

The man spat on Malcolm and left.

"Are you okay?" Rumple asked, panting.

"The cost of the game," Malcolm replied. "He didn't even leave me a shilling for a pint. How rude. He took all of our money. Yes, but I'll figure something out. I always do... Rumple." He got up. "Roll up!"



Pan tucked Wendy into bed while Henry and Aubree watched.

"How is she?" Henry and Aubree asked.

"I fear she's getting worse, Henry, Aubree," Pan replied.

"But if Bree and I save magic... She'll live?" Henry asked.

"Yes. But more than that, Henry, Aubree. If you two save magic, you'll both save us all. But to do it, you two have to truly believe."

Wendy coughed.

"I do," Henry and Aubree said.

"Good, because we don't have much time," Pan told the twins. "Follow me." Henry and Aubree followed Pan to the main part of the camp. "My brothers! Tonight, the dream of Neverland will awaken from its slumber. Tonight, the hearts of the truest believers shall fulfill their destinies, and with it our destiny. Tonight, Henry and Aubree save magic!"

The Lost Boys cheered.


Regina and Mr. Gold walked in the jungle. Mr. Gold held Pandora's box.

"You know, despite our differences, I can always count on you to get things done... Unlike the rest of them," Regina said. "You were right. They're just a liability."

"Where are they?" Mr. Gold asked.

"Oh, well, Pan told them Neal was alive, and, of course, Emma took the bait. Such a waste of time. Oh, I'm so sorry."

"No, no, don't be. He is alive."


"Pan wasn't lying. My son is here on the island. I've seen him."

"You saw him and you... you just parted ways? You realize that he might have a way off the island."

"Let's worry about the travel plans after we get Henry and Aubree."

"There's something you're not telling me. What happened when you saw him?"

"Look, all you have to know is, the next time I see him will be when I'm putting Henry and Aubree in his arms. When father, daughter and son are reunited."

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