10. The New Neverland

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Belle was walking with Ariel. "So if the name I gave you is correct, he works here," Belle said as she pointed ahead.

They stopped near the harbor where a fisherman was busily working. He didn't notice the two women standing nearby. Ariel smiled upon recognizing the man.

"Is that him? Is that Eric?" Belle asked.

"Yes," Ariel replied.

The fisherman, Eric, hacked his cleaver into a fish; severing its head. Ariel looked downcast while Belle appeared amused.

"Wow," Ariel said. "He must really hate me."

"Go on, go to him," Belle encouraged. Ariel sighed; smiling in nervousness. Belle pushed her towards him. "Go on."

Ariel approached Eric. He finally glanced up and was stunned to see her.

"Ariel," Eric stated.

Ariel smiled. "Eric."

Eric took off his work suit and walked up to her. They kissed passionately.

Belle looked on, pleased, when she heard a strange noise in the air. She looked up at the sky. In awe, she watched a flying ship poke out of the clouds. Ariel and Eric broke apart to stare up at the ship as well.

"What's that?" Ariel wondered.

The ship rapidly plunged down. It breached past the barrier surrounding the town.

"He's back," Belle answered.

As the ship's walkway was pulled down to allow the passengers to descend down to the dock, the cheering voices from the townspeople sounded.
Pan, in Henry's body, stepped onto the walkway first, pausing as he took in everything, and proceeded to get off the ship. Behind him, Emma, Mary Margaret, Aubree and David followed suit. Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Happy, Leroy, Mr. Clark, Walter, Mother Superior, Archie and Granny were some of the familiar faces who welcomed their return. Granny gave Pan and Aubree a hug. Leroy did the same as Granny took Emma into her arms. Aubree stared at her twin. She could tell there was something off, as he wasn't acting like himself.

"Yes!" Leroy exclaimed. "They're back! Emma! Oh! Snow! All right!" He laughed and patted Granny on the back.

Next to leave the ship was Regina, then Mr. Gold, who caught Belle's gaze. At the dock, Mary Margaret was pleasantly surprised to see Ariel. They shared a hug. Mary Margaret beamed at the sight of Eric. Nearby, Regina stood alone with a dejected expression on her face.

Emma asked her twins, "How does it feel to finally be home?"

"Better than I ever imagined," Pan, as Henry, replied.

Aubree nodded slowly as she continued staring at Pan in Henry's body. "I'm glad to be back."

Felix and the other Lost Boys descended the ship.

Belle and Mr. Gold shared an affectionate embrace.

"I told you I'd see you again," Belle said.

"That's the last time I don't listen to you," Mr. Gold told her.

"Hey," Neal greeted.

"Hey," Belle replied as she patted his shoulder. "Welcome back."

"Thank you. I, uh— " he showed them Mr. Gold's cane, "—I found this below deck. Thought you might need it."

"Thank you, Bae, I do," Mr. Gold said, taking the cane. "As a reminder of the man I was, which shall no longer be."

The three of them huddled together happily. Regina, still alone, studied them.

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