23. A Tale of Two Sisters

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Season Four


A boat was trapped inside a storm. In a cabin, a queen was looking for a pencil. She wrote a note.

Her husband, Adgar, came in and asked, "What are you doing?!

"I have to finish this," Gerda replied.

"My dear, no. The vessel... It's going down. We have to abandon ship."

"They have to know. We might not make it home, but this could."

On the deck, Adgar asked, "Are you sure we're doing the right thing?

"Yes," Gerda answered. "Anna and Elsa must know the truth. It's the only thing that will save them." The boat sank.


Five years after their parent's death, Anna and Elsa put flowers on their parent's graves.)

"Anna, they would be so proud of you," Elsa said.

"Both of us, Elsa," Anna corrected.

"Now, come on. I have a surprise for you."

"Really? Because surprises tend to be hit or miss in this family."

"This one you'll like. I promise. It's for your wedding."


Elsa left the barn and explored the area. She found the sign of Storybrooke.)

""Storybrooke,"" Elsa read.


Regina was leaving Granny's Diner. Emma followed her and called, "Regina..."

"Not now, Swan," Regina said.

"I'm sorry. When I brought Marian back, I didn't know who she was. I didn't intend to cause you pain. "

"Well, your intentions really don't matter. Because once again, I've felt the brunt of heroism. Always the villain... Even when I'm not."

"What was I supposed to do?"

"Well, you were dumb enough to travel through time. Maybe you should have left things well enough alone."

"I am not gonna apologize for saving someone's life."

"She was to die anyway. What did it matter?"

"What mattered was she was a person. And... Whatever she did, she didn't deserve to die."

"Well, maybe she did."

"Well, you would know. I saved her from you."

"The woman who did that, that was the person I was, not the person I am. I worked very hard to build a future... A future that's now gone. "

"You don't know that."

"Well, I know it's complicated enough that his dead wife is back."

"Regina, for that, I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do to help..."

"Swan... The more you try to help... The worse my life becomes."

Robin, Marian and Roland joined Emma and Regina.)

"Marian, please, meet her," Robin Hood begged. "She's not at all what you think. Regina... I-I want you to meet Marian. I... I want us to talk about this."

" Wait, were you two... Are you two together?" Marian asked.

"Marian, please."

"You and the Evil Queen? Did you let her near my son? Do you know what she's done? The terror that she's inflicted?"

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