25. Rocky Road

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Robin Hood, Marian and Roland were walking down Main Street. Robin and Roland had been showing Marian around town.

"I know this town might seem strange at first, but you do get used to it," Robin Hood said. "And Roland loves it here. He loves watching the boats at the harbor and eating at Granny's..."

Roland interrupted his father. "And ice cream."

"Yes. How could we forget about ice cream?"

"Can we get some now, please?

Robin Hood glanced at Marian and could tell that she was overwhelmed. "Well, I think your mother's seen enough strange things for one day. We should get back to the camp."

Roland looked at Marian and put on a pleading face. "Please, mom? Regina let me."

"Sure," Marian replied.


Roland, Robin Hood and Marian entered "Any Given Sunday", and the Snow Queen came out from behind the counter, holding two Rocky Road ice creams. One for Robin and the other for Roland.

"Rocky Road for the little man," the Snow Queen said, handing Roland his ice cream.

Roland looked happy as he replied, "Thank you."

The Snow Queen chuckled. "You're welcome." She handed Robin his. "And his dashing father." She turned to Marian. "And I don't believe that I've met the beautiful mother."

"Uh, this is Marian," Robin Hood introduced.

"It is lovely to finally meet you, Marian." She walked back behind the counter. "Well, since you've been through such an ordeal, the least I can do is... is get you something on the house. What flavor would you like?"

Marian looked taken by surprise and conflicted. "I... don't know."

"Uh, in our world, the, uh, flavor choices of ice were dirt and mud," Robin Hood said.

The Snow Queen smiled and chuckled. "In this world, we've made some improvements. Trust me, there is no problem that can't be solved with a bit of ice cream." She went to the back counter top and sprinkled some topping on the ice cream, before waving her hand and casting a spell on the ice cream.

"Thank you. That's very kind."

The Snow Queen smiled and peered over the counter, looking at Roland. "No, thank you. Seeing a happy family like yours in here really warms my heart."

Marian tried some of her ice cream. Mhm." She smiled and followed Robin and Roland out the door.


Emma, Hook and Elsa were standing in Mr. Gold's shop, with Mr. Gold and Belle standing in front of them. They had come hoping that Mr. Gold might have answers as to why Elsa was in the urn in his vault.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've never seen her before in my life," Mr. Gold said.

"So how'd she end up inside your urn inside your secret vault of terror?" Emma asked.

"Look, if you really want to know how she wound up there, she's standing right beside you, Miss Swan. Why don't you simply ask her?"

"She did. But I can't remember. Something happened to my memories."

"Well, an all-too-common affliction 'round these parts. Pity. But as you can see, many objects fall into my possession... urns, necklaces, all manner of things. I can't know the history behind all of them."

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