Gender Reveal

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      You were just getting ready for the gender reveal when Luke called on your laptop. You put down the curling iron to answer.
     "Hey Luke." You said answering the call.
     "Hey doodlebug. Are you excited for the reveal?" Luke asked as the hotel door opened.
     "I'm nervous. I have no idea why though." You said, picking up the curling iron and continued to curl your hair.
      "Do you have your outfit picked out?"
       "Yes." You smiled. "I'm wearing it right now. I just put a button up on top so that I don't get it dirty."
       "Well the guys are here since they also wanted to watch. More like Ashton and Michael since Cal and I are sharing a room."
       "Hi." Michael said waving.
       "Hiiii!" Ashton said smiling.
       "Hi Y/N." Calum said shyly.
      "Hey guys." You waved and smiled.
The five of you talked for awhile before there was a knock on the hotel door. Calum went to get it. The blondes of the group looked over to where some mumbling was coming from. Calum came back and sat down.
"It was management. They said that Ashton and Michael needed to return back to their rooms. I said that they wanted to see the gender reveal for Luke's kids and they let them stay. They have to leave once it's done though since we have to get up in a few hours for a few interviews."
You nodded and put an angled braid in your, now curled hair. You put on some light eyeshadow, blush and a tiny bit of lip gloss. Then you started to walk downstairs. There you found all the guests. You put on some of your favourite cowboy boots and put the laptop down on a table in front of the balloons that would show the genders.
"Show us the outfit Y/N! Come on show us!" Ashton giggled.
You smiled and took off the sweater to reveal a nice summer dress.

        Luke's mouth hung open as he was left speechless

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        Luke's mouth hung open as he was left speechless. You put your hands under you bump to show it off some more.
      "Damn you look amazing babe." Luke said in amazement. "You look  so cute pregnant."
       You blushed and the guys laughed. About 15 minutes later, Liz called everyone into the backyard for the reveal. She got the cameras set up to catch the balloons popping and the guys reactions. You and the guys talked a little longer
"Alright everyone let's gather around and see what Y/N and Luke are having." Liz said as everyone gathered.
Jack and Liz stood beside you, while Andy and Ben stood in the other side. You were given a needle to pop the balloons with.
"Ok baby A. Boy or girl?" You said nervously as you brought your hand back a little bit and popped the balloon which revealed blue confetti.
"It's a boy!!!" Jack cheered. "I get a nephew!"
Tears welled up in your eyes as you thought of you and Luke having a little boy. The second balloon was brought over and was centred.
"Baby B. Cheer if you think it's another boy!" You announced as majority of people cheered. "Now cheer if you think it's a girl!" A few people cheered as you heard the computer cheering which made you laugh.
You brought back your hand once more and popped the balloon which had pink confetti.
"It's a girl!!!" You cried, as Liz took the needle and put it in a container.
Everyone celebrated and gave you and Luke a big congrats. After everyone had congratulated you, you took the computer inside to talk to the guys for a little longer. Luke was a big mess, he had tears streaming down his face along with the other boys but not as much as Luke.
       "So we get both another nephew and niece on the way. F*ck yeah!" Michael said as he immediately covered his mouth with his hands.
      "It's alright Michael. You can swear." You laughed.
       Michael and Ashton left to go to their rooms while the three of you talked about stuff like pregnancy and how things were on tour. Calum soon left to talk to his wife while Luke stayed talking with you. Luke started to rant on about how desperately he wanted a boy and a girl so he could teach them different things. His eyes were sparkling and became very wide as he talked about his kids. The two of you then said goodbye since Luke had to go to sleep. You went back outside after closing the laptop. You couldn't believe that both you and Luke were having a baby boy and a baby girl. You were simply just over the moon.

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