You and Luke get into a fight

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        Recently Luke had been constantly out of the house for the studio and sometimes crashing at Ashton's house if he needed to go in early the next morning. You wouldn't complain if he at least came home to see his pregnant girlfriend, but it almost seemed like you lived alone and it sucked. You were sat on the couch with Petunia when Luke's ringtone came from your phone.
"Hey." You answered.
"Is it alright if I stay at Ashtons again for the night? The band is working on a really good song at the moment and."
      You cut him off.
"No Luke." You said, obviously sounding mad at his request. "Luke I want you home now."
    "Is something wrong?"
     "Luke just come home." You started to tear up from anger. "Just get your a*s home now, so we can talk."
     "Alright. I'll come home." He sighed and hung up.
     It was about 10 to 15 minutes before Luke walked through the door. You walked towards him, to then stop and gag. Cigarettes.
      "Luke you have got to be kidding me. What is that smell?!" You gagged, holding onto the counter.
      "I can explain."
      "Luke why aren't you home anymore." You started to get chocked up. "First you aren't home and now you're doing drugs?!"
      "Listen hun..." Luke started to tear up.
     "Don't hun me Luke. I want an explanation as to why you're never home. Do you even want kids? I mean if you're not here now, then are you gonna be here for when your kids are even born?" You sniffled and sobbed.
"Y/N I still want kids with you. Trust me." He walked towards you to hold your hand, but you pulled it back and walked backwards.
"You know how much I want you to be in the twins lives. But if you're not even gonna be here when I'm still pregnant with them, then why should I let you be in their lives when they're born." You pulled at your hair as the tears fell after.
You rubbed your bump and looked down to the ground, then right back up. Luke's teary eyes met yours.
"What are you saying?" You could hear his voice break.
"Maybe. Maybe getting back together was a mistake." You said quietly.
"Are you breaking up with me?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Alright. You can stay here. I'll pack my bags and go live with Ashton."
"Ok. Petunia can alternate between the two of us then."
"No. She stays with you until I can find my own house. Then Petunia comes with me."
You went outside to the backyard and sat down on one of the chairs. You rubbed your bump and sniffled. Was this really the best decision? Was breaking up with Luke really the answer? You exhaled as the twins kicked. The front door opened and closed. Tears quickly escaped as the truth settled in. You and Luke were no longer together making you a single mom of twins.
"I'm so sorry you two. I'm so incredibly sorry." You sobbed.
Reality finally hit you for the second time. Luke was gonna be gone majority of the time with his schedule that he wouldn't even see his own children grow up other then the media taking and releasing photos of them.

(Luke's POV)
I just packed my bags into the trunk of my car. I got in on the drivers side and started sobbing uncontrollably. I pulled on my hair and screamed. Once I'd calmed down, I put the car in reverse and drove off to Ashton's house. When I got there, Michael and Calum were there discussing what should be the next step for the song writing portion.
"Hey guys." I tried to put on a smile.
"Hey Luke. You doing alright?" Ashton asked.
I bit my lip to avoid crying. Ashton came over to me and hugged me. Feelings Ashton's warmth broke me and I started to sob. He rubbed my back as the rest of the guys came and all did a group hug around me. When I finished crying we sat down on the couch.
"What happened Luke?" Michael asked.
"Did Y/N loose the babies?" Calum asked.
       "If she lost the babies I would be with her now Calum." I snapped.
Just the mention of her name was able to send me into another crying fit. The boys sat around me in silence as Ashton rubbed my back.
"Is everything ok down here Ash?" Isabelle, Ashton's wife, asked.
"Yeah everything's fine. Luke's just going through a hard time with his girlfriend. Plus babe, you should be in bed. Remember the doctor wants you on bed rest so that you don't overwork yourself." Ashton got up, leaving Calum and Michael to take over looking after me.
"I know but I heard crying and wanted to make sure that no one was hurt." She whined as Ashton took her upstairs.
     "Luke what happened with Y/N? You seem to be more sensitive to her name being said and you flinched when Ashton said girlfriend." Michael asked calmly.
      "We broke up. It was more her breaking up with me cause I was never home since these working hours are so long and messed up." I sniffled and Michael handed me a tissue box. "Then she thought I was doing drugs cause I was hanging out with Calum whenever he goes on us smoke breaks."
       "I'm so sorry mate. Where are you gonna stay?" Calum asked guilty.
      "I was planning on staying here with Ashton and Isabelle if he would let me. Then when I find my own place I'll take Petunia and the rest of my stuff. Y/N needs a house more then I do. Plus she payed more of the bills since she moved in with me." I laughed a little.
    "Alright I'm back. Where were we?" Ashton said sitting down.
    "I just explain what happen between Y/N and I. We broke up cause of the stupid song writing schedule and I was wondering if I could stay here with you and Isabelle."
     "Yeah sure, we'd love for you to stay here." Ashton went quiet all of a sudden. "So what's the plan for parenting? Now that the two of you have broken up, when are you gonna have the time to spend time with your kids? I mean we're constantly on the move with tour and song writing. Also at the end of this month we're going to go back on the road till October."
      The four of us sat in silence. Ashton's dogs were playing outside when I spoke up.
     "That's the thing. I'm not sure that I'll be able to have the time to see them. The only time that I'll get to see them is in the media when she decides to tell the world that she's a mom." I rubbed my face. "I just don't to know what to do I won't be able to feel my kids kick or see them come into the world. F*ck and it hurts. I feel like somethings been ripped out of my chest. I don't like it, I don't like the feeling."
      Calum handed me a paper and pen. I looked at him through my tear stained eyes and took them in my hands.
      "I'm pretty sure that she feels the same way as you do right now Luke. She just split from the father of her children. She's gonna find a way to have you in the twins lives if it's the last thing she does." Calum commented.
      "She loves you Luke. Don't doubt yourself, every time she looks at you, her smile grows and she's so happy when she's around you. Middle school can prove that mate and you know it." Michael added on.
      "She's not the one to throw the people she loves out of her life. You know her better then any of us Luke. You'd make any excuse to go see her and she'd do the same." Ashton finished.
      "I mean I guess you guys are right." I sniffled.
      "Mate I know we're right. Now let's think of a song. You make some dope songs when you're emotional." Ashton laughed and we all got to working on some songs.
        We all went into different places in his house to think of song lyrics or possible back up vocals. I was humming the song that I thought of and all it needed was a name. I decided to take a break and scroll through Instagram when I came upon Y/N's page. She's posted something.

The caption was: Haven't seen these girls in the longest time

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The caption was: Haven't seen these girls in the longest time. My new song 'Wanting You' will be out this Friday ❤️ stay tuned ❤️

     She was in the middle of the bunch. She hadn't seen Lucy or Caroline since she graduated in May. I re-read the lyrics and changed up a couple of things in the chorus. I started to him it again and everything seemed perfect. I wrote down the title that I decided it would be. This single needed to be in the album, there wasn't a chance that I'd let it slip.
     "Want you back. Perfect."

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