
70 8 2

requested by. graxvitybae

genre. fanfiction

before you say anything, yes I am aware I fucked up your username. It's 2am and I was struggling with this for 3hrs and so I mixed your username with another person's (i made that person's cover like in September, so i have no idea how I even remembered the username to mix it up with yours)

 It's 2am and I was struggling with this for 3hrs and so I mixed your username with another person's (i made that person's cover like in September, so i have no idea how I even remembered the username to mix it up with yours)

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There are two styles because like I said, I had no idea what to do

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There are two styles because like I said, I had no idea what to do. I didn't include a knife like you asked because I had no idea how to add it and make it look good. Hope that's okay. Also, I added girl because g i r l s, but also because I didn't have anything else to add as you only said knife and no other face claims (not your fault, i should've asked for more options). Hope I didn't mess up.

At least the sad vibes is there! I hope. Everything looks sad to me rn

If you want to claim the cover(s), then tell me which one(s) you want and I will send you the link through PMs (right after I edit the username, which only takes a few mins)

if you don't want them, that's also fine. Just be sure to tell me that as soon as you decide.

And I am really sorry about the long ass wait, it happened that you ordered a cover right when shit got fucked up lmao

If something I said above doesn't make sense, lemme remind you that it's now almost 3am and I am dying!

i used to not feel anything at 2am, but I guess that's what years of not sleeping does to a person

but eyee look at me trying new styles through my suffering!

Anyways, I am too tired to even feel the shame of making you wait so long so uh thanks for waiting ig


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