𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫.

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Hi! So for some reason I've been feeling randomly inspired to make simple edits. Literally never knew I could make 10 minutes until now. All it took was me needing a goddamn break after all that shit i had to read in English class. And this is the product of my distraction during English

I know I have 40000 covers waiting, so I'm gonna start doing the simple ones because they're the ones I have time for 

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I know I have 40000 covers waiting, so I'm gonna start doing the simple ones because they're the ones I have time for 

And the manip ones will have to wait until I'm not drowning in english literacy notes (tbf the graphic above was manip, but it was pretty simple lmao)

I didn't know what to title this so I just went with it . At least if I ever make a review shop, I know I'm prepared lmao

Well, next time we're doing real covers!


UPDATE: while I wait my downloading links to start working again, here's something to pass the time

UPDATE: while I wait my downloading links to start working again, here's something to pass the time

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the one above is like 90% canva premade but it looks n i c e

This has given me so much inspo but I'm not actually doing a review shop lmao

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This has given me so much inspo but I'm not actually doing a review shop lmao

At this point I think I just might because the graphics are kinda nice ngl

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