update + September project

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Hi, so I'm behind on a l o t of covers, like it's kinda sad

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Hi, so I'm behind on a l o t of covers, like it's kinda sad. But just letting you know I haven't forgotten anyone, nor have I done any covers since I last updated.

I mentioned this at one point, but classes have started; and because of corona, we have to do a 5 months long course in 2 months.
I've been buried in math for a whole 2 weeks and we have 2 major assessments every week. I cannot afford to fail anything because we do not have time to make up for horrible grades.

Uni applications also start in Nov. , so the stress is h i g h lmaooo

But, I did promise covers and I will get them done. I just need time. I'll try to work on one or two tonight. But I also need to catch up with sleep because my body will literally crumble if I pull an all-nighter again.

However, I understand if you no longer want me to do your cover. You can cancel your request at any time. If you receive it and don't like it, don't use it. As the rules state, if the cover doesn't suit your taste, you are allowed to not use the cover. If you don't use it, you must tell me so I can turn it into a premade.

That's it. Just wanted to let you all know here instead of messaging a lot of people.

I'll update the wait list soon as well.


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