shadow, taemin.

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Hi guys, it's been forever. No, I till haven't forgotten you but I did fail a test and get a 66 in math so that's g r e a t.

I'll probably work on covers tonight and hopefully be awake enough in the morning to sit though a horrendous meeting. I'll also be changing the rules again so ignore that if you already requested before I changed them.

 I'll also be changing the rules again so ignore that if you already requested before I changed them

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This is the only edit I did since my last update because I rlly dont have time. But NCT 2020 came to kill so I had to make at least one edit.

Anyway, thank you all for being patient, I'll be messaging the ppl who requested in the few days to see if you still want me after a month of wait (which I'm rlly sorry for, but I have to unfortunately put education before covers).


(Ps, my math tecaher literally only ended her email for my horrible mark update with "keep persevering" and I almost burst into tears. like u have no idea how much the weight on my shoulders lifted. Who knew simple words could do so much?? )

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