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Hey guys! So after much thinking, I've decided to close this permanently. That doesn't mean I'll stop making graphics. In fact, I'll probably open up a new shop in May or June :)

 I just want to take a break from covers right now because I need to reorganize the rules and how things work, because people can't fucking read or follow rules.
This way, I can also finish my reviews (there is so much).

The new shop will be up in May/June sometime. Or maybe even late April!!! I will announce it on my board when it goes up! So if you follow me, you'll know. If not, eh whatever find someone else lmao-

I'm also thinking of doing commercial covers! So that needs to be organized as well.

For those of you whose covers I have yet to finish, don't worry, I'm working on them. Give me a bit more time because last week was a mess. Just check your PMs regularly.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who's supported me during this time, even when I was being a sad bitch and took months to finish ur covers.

I also want to thank anyone who's requested here and used their reading and comprehension skills!
Thank you so much for paying attention in English class, and for having basic human decency! :)

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