𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐲.

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"don't be a victim of your own power"

Requested by: MarizVenon

Genre: Fantasy

Genre: Fantasy

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Definitely struggled with this one cause I had a cover with Roses last week and that style was stuck in my head and I had to try rlly hard to not make it the same lol

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Definitely struggled with this one cause I had a cover with Roses last week and that style was stuck in my head and I had to try rlly hard to not make it the same lol

W h y do I always make covers the day they're due like get a grip, me.

Anyway, the requests are getting more frequent now! I'm happy cause yay but lowkey struggling lmao h e l p (I only have 3 covers rn but like I gotta do 6 other edits for something else by this week so that's 9 in total why do I do this to myself)

That's it, I guess.

Cya until the next cover!

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