The woman

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This time there was an old lady right in front of the door and she was starring at her. She noticed that the woman was blind in one eye. Except for that the woman seemed pretty nice but Mary felt really weird around her. 

Mary: um hey how can I help you?

Woman: you are new here right? I live right over there 

*she pointed at a small shabby house which was standing right across Marys house*

Woman: I just wanted to check if u arrived well.

Mary: oh yes thank you I'm good

Woman: That's good to hear... Maybe you want to come over someday and we'll have a cup of tea together 

Mary actually felt really uncomfortable with that offer but she didn't say anything and just nodded.

Woman: alright it was nice to meet you but I really have to leave to leave now. Have a great day

Mary: yea bye

*Mary slowly closed the door again*

As she went back upstairs she felt a cold air in her neck. It kinda felt like a really cold breath. She turned around and looked to the window because she thought maybe she just forgot to close a window. But there was no open Window. She doesn't really believe in ghost or supernatural stuff but she knew that something in this house was wrong. So she decided to go to the old woman even if she wasn't sure about that, but maybe she knew something more about the house than Mary did. 


I really don't know if this is a good idea but I have to find out what's going on with this house... But I think I'm gonna go tomorrow because its kinda late and maybe she is already asleep.

So Mary got ready for bed and she tried to sleep but there was this weird feeling again and she just couldn't fall asleep. Even after 3 hours she was still awake and this feeling even got worse. So she stood up and took a look trough the window but this time there was the old woman from her front door. She stood right in front of her house and starred straight intro Marys window. Mary winced and pressed herself against the wall so the woman can't see her anymore. She tried to call Sabrina but it was 3 am in the morning so the didn't answered the call. Mary was about to freak out because what would be a normal reason for an old lady starring into her window in the middle of the night. Of course she couldn't sleep anymore in this night so she stayed up the whole night listening to music and tying to calm down but it didn't worked. She looked outside the window almost every hour to check if the woman was still there and she was. She stood there, starring into her window the entire night. But after a few more hours she finally fell asleep. As she woke up she instantly ran to the window but the woman wasn't there anymore. As she looked at her phone she saw a text message from Sabrina.

Sabrina: hey is everything okay? I saw you called me last night 

Mary: I really need your help... So yesterday an old woman knocked on my door and invited me over and I don't know I just really didn't feel comfortable around her. But this wasn't even the problem.. I couldn't fall asleep again last night so I looked outside the window and the woman just stood there and stared straight into my window.

Sabrina: okay I'm slowly getting the feeling that something is really wrong there. I really don't know what to do but under no circumstances go to her. She could be dangerous 

Mary: I know I didn't intend to do that either but I'm getting really scared.

Sabrina: yea I would too... I don't know but do you want me to come over? at least for a few weeks until you feel safe again.

Mary: yes that would be very great but when could you be here?

Sabrina: I could leave tomorrow so I'd be there in the evening would that be okay?

Mary: sure! and thank you again

Sabrina: no problem. You know I would do anything for you

A few minutes later she went downstairs to get some breakfast when she heard a knock at er door again. She looked outside the little window next to the door and as she saw who was standing there she instantly froze. It was the same woman as yesterday and last night. She pushed herself against the wall and she was begging for the woman not to see her. After one or two minutes of silence she heard an old rough voice saying: ,, Why don't you open the door... I know you are there". Right when she said that Mary started to panic. She ran upstairs and locked herself in the bedroom and stayed there for almost half an hour. After about twenty minutes she heard the door open. First she thought she just imagined it but then she heard the creak of the old stairs and knew that somebody was coming upstairs. She started to panic and searched for a way to get out of the room. She looked outside the window but it was too high to jump out so she hid under her bed. She was really terrified but she tried not to move or do anything that would make a noise. She heard how somebody slowly opened every door and suddenly the door to the bedroom got opened. She saw how the door handle was slowly pushed down and somebody walked in. Mary just saw big black boots but these were Cleary mens shoes. She got even more scared because she realised that these couldn't be the shoes of the old woman. She covered her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't scream but apparently she guy heard her because he bent down and saw her under the bed.

so this was the 2nd chapter I hope y'all like it :)

I'm trying to update asap but I have a lot of stress with school rn

again sorry if I misspelled something xD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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