Chapter eleven: Something meaningful

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Please take a moment to vote. This chapter was supposed to be published tomorrow but I decided to publish it today. Enjoy


"We're just working on a project,Wana." I groaned in annoyance. I've repeated this for over twenty times but she has yet to believe me.

"Gale never participates in pair projects. He just pays people to do it for him, Everybody knows that Cheryl. So really he doesn't wanna do the project and instead just wants to hang out with you because he likes you." As nice as that sounded,I knew it couldn't possibly be true because the guy dislikes me for no good reason. But,what if Wana was right. What if he actually liked me? I felt stupid for even thinking that Gale could chose to like me leaving all the pretty rich girls at school.

The entire conversation was ridiculous. No matter what I said,Wana was convinced it was more than a study session. I realized it had already been an hour since the agreed meeting time so I hurriedly brushed my hair,changed out of my uniform and into a pair of jeans and a grey hoodie then gathered my Chemistry books into a bag and headed to the park.

When I got to the park,I spotted Gale on a bench near the huge water fountain that stood in the middle of the park,his back towards me. As if Sensing my presence, he turned around quickly,a smile lighting up his face. He stood up and gestured for me to go over to where he was standing.

"I thought you weren't going to come." He said sounding somewhat surprised that I actually showed up.

"You're saying it like I showed up late for a date" I laughed,making him laugh too.

" But seriously, sorry am late. I got caught up with something" my minded immediately drifted to earlier at my house When Wana kept convincing me that Gale liked me.

"That's alright Cheryl," he smiled. "Shall we begin?"

We sat down by the fountain and began to come up with ideas for our project and based on the suggestions Gale brought up, I could tell he had never done this before.

We got done two hours later and I began packing up my books getting ready to go back home.

"Cheryl," Gale began, shifting my focus from my books to him

"Listen, I Know that we didn't start off on a good note and I've been a total jerk,but I'd like for the that to change and I was wondering if we could maybe, ummm become friends?

OH MY GOD! Gale Lima was asking me to be his friend. I forced myself to hide the smile that was already forming on my face.

"Yeah sure" I shrugged brushing it off like it was no big deal when infact it was.

"Great,so are we cool now?" He asked.

"All is in the past now" I answered still in shock that Gale wanted to be friends with me.

"Can I give you a ride home?" Gale asked. This was getting interesting, day's ago Gale was shouting at me for staining his shirt and now he asked me to be friends with him and is even offering to give me a ride, unbelievable.

"Yes please." I politely accepted. Besides I was so exhausted that I was about to call Wana to come pick me up with Jared's car. I hurriedly packed up my stuff and followed Gale's lead to the parking lot.

Wait until Wana hears this.


I entered the address she gave me into my GPS right away. I didn't actually think she would cave in and allow me to drive her home. We drove through the streets in silence. I finally felt content now that Cheryl and I were no longer enemies.

My phone chimed in my pocket. Taking it out, I glanced at a text from a girl named Laura from math class inviting me over to her house tonight since her parents weren't home. If today had been a few days ago,I would have definitely said yes and gone over to her house but ever since the kiss with Cheryl, something changed. I didn't want one night stands anymore,I wanted something meaningful. So I politely declined her invitation and shut my phone off.

I pulled up at Cheryl's house ten minutes later. After I cut the engine,I quickly jogged to the other side of the car and opened the door for her earning a smile that reached her beautiful brown eyes. I smiled back and once she was out of the car,I closed the door and faced her.

"Thanks for the ride Gale" she thanked,the smile never leaving her face. I started to wonder  why I disliked her in the first place because no guy in his right mind would not like Cheryl. I mean, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

"You're welcome" I replied fighting the urge to look at her lips, thoughts from detentions kiss filling my head.

"Well I'll see you at school" Cheryl said as she walked over to her gate. Once she was safely inside, I got into my car and drove home hoping that the day would go by quickly so that I could get a chance to see her again at school the next day.

As I drove home through the quiet streets,I looked over to the seat that was not too long ago occupied by Cheryl and pictured her in it smiling at me. I don't know what this girl was doing to me but I liked it.


I got home minutes later and the happiness I felt earlier was replaced by anger as I spotted a familiar car in the driveway. When I got inside, I found Edgar and my mum in the living room laughing and eating popcorn as they watched some comedy show. Edgar was the guy my mum was going out with and I didn't like him one bit.

He always showed up at my house any time he pleased and even stayed the night most of the times and I hated the fact that my mum was already forgetting my dad and moving on with this hotel manager when it had barely been two years since my dad and sister passed away.

Not wanting to say hello to Edgar which my mum always made me do every time he was around,I decided to go to my room but it was too late. She had already noticed that I was back.

"Gale my love, you're home!" She exclaimed as she put down the bowl of popcorn, walked towards me and pulled me into a hug.

"Hi mum." I murmured into her hair, wrapping my arms around her back.

" Say hi to Edgar. Oh and do you wanna join us for a movie and popcorn?" She asked. Why would she even think I would agree to watching a movie and having popcorn with her and Edgar like we were a happy family.

"No thanks" I didn't mean to sound rude but Edgar's presence always managed to make me really angry.

"I'll be in my room if you need me" I kissed her cheek and went upstairs to my room.

I took a deep breathe and lay on my bed, thoughts of Edgar immediately being replaced by Cheryl's.

School had suddenly become my favorite place because I got to see Cheryl there. I fell asleep that night dreaming about Cheryl.

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