Chapter twenty-five: Evidence Hunt

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"Clara,what was that about? Why would you lay such an absurd accusation on Cheryl?" I finally asked after she was calm enough to talk

"It's not just a mere accusation Gale,It is true. I mean,why would I just make up something as huge as this? What do I have to gain from it?"

As much as I didn't want to believe it, she was telling the truth. But again, Cheryl would never harm anyone. So it's either Clara thought she heard something that wasn't true or someone was trying to frame Cheryl for everything and was instigating Clara against her.

Whatever the case is,I needed to speak to Cheryl to apologise for the scene Clara had created. I stood up to leave but Clara stopped me

"Where are you going Gale?" She questioned as she got a grip on my arm. She had tears in her eyes and a frightened look on her face.

"Relax Clara,am only going to talk to Cheryl about this whole situation. I'll be back before you know it." I took a step forward but her grip only got firmer

"No! I mean,please don't go. Am really scared please don't go?" She burst into tears

After pleading for me to stay,I ended up not even going because I couldn't leave her in the state she was in. Minutes later, Charles came back and told me that Cheryl was perfectly fine and that I didn't need to worry. Instead of that making me feel better,it only made things worse. I knew Cheryl,every time something happened and she said she was fine,she really wasn't.

"Gale, sweetie what happened?"

"Mum!" What was my mother doing at the hospital when I very well know that I didn't tell her about Clara but instead told her I was sleeping over at Charles's.

"Mum,what are you doing here? How did you find out that I was here?" I walked up to her and hugged her

"Charles told me everything and I came as soon as he told me." She walked over to Clara's bed and hugged her.

I swear am gonna kill Charles after we leave this hospital. I told him not speak a word about Clara and the baby to my mother and wait for me to break the news to her myself. Anyway,I don't blame him. My mother always had a way of manipulating both Charles and I into telling the truth since childhood.

"How are you feeling now my dear? Is everything alright?" She sweetly asked Clara.

"Yes ma'am,am much better now." Clara responded with a warm smile on her face.

"Don't worry my dear,we are going to take care of both you and the baby and you will not lack anything. I will speak to your parents and they will come around alright?" She smiled

"No no no, please don't do that. I mean to say that speaking to them will only make things worse. They were already so furious when I told them so just give them time to cool down please." She pleaded

"Alright my dear. Not to worry." She began "I can't believe am going to be a grandmother in a matter of a few months" she squealed and hugged Clara again.

I can't believe what am hearing. Was my mum feeling alright today because the mother I know would be whopping my ass right now for getting a girl pregnant before marriage but here she is all excited about becoming a grandmother. How surprising.

After chatting about babies and stuff for a while, we all ended up falling asleep at two in the morning.

The last person I thought about before falling asleep was Cheryl and how much I missed being with her.

Why did it feel like I'd lost her forever?



After a long weekend that began beautifully but ended up disastrous,it was back to school again. I didn't have any interest in going to school today but I just had to so as to try and talk to some of Clara's friends and see if something pops up. The idea of finding evidence to expose Clara sounded like a brilliant idea but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be easy but I knew I would find something.

After getting out of bed,I took a quick shower and threw on my uniform. Feeling so indolent,I just lightly brushed my hair and let it loose, grabbed my backpack and walked to Wana's house to pick her up because we were back to walking to school again.


We got to school fifteen minutes before class began. Normally,I would go to the garden with Wana but today I was on a mission to find evidence to prove that Clara was lying.

I knew a girl called Muka who was friends with Clara so I decided to look for her first and try to see if she could tell me anything.

After talking to Muka and several other girls who were friends with Clara, all of them seemed to have nothing useful for me except a girl called Lushomo from math class who told me her brother Calvin and Clara had something going on.

Before I could get a chance to look for Calvin and talk to him,the warning bell rang and I was forced to go to class.

First period was Chemistry which I knew would be a nightmare not only because Gale wouldn't be in it but because I had forgotten to finish up my assignment. Damnit.

I told Mr Zimmerman about my assignment and ended up earning myself two day's of detention starting this afternoon. That only meant  I needed to find and talk to Calvin at lunch and if I don't,the only time I was going to be able to talk to him again was tomorrow and I couldn't wait that long.

"I have to find him at lunch" I said to myself as I prepared for Mr Zimmerman's lesson for today.

*What do you think Calvin will say about Clara. Why what Calvin says be able to prove Cheryl right. Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote* 

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