Chapter twelve: Moving on

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"Watch where you are going," a guy said to me in a really menacing way.

When I looked up to see who it was, it was a guy from french class called Steve. We had accidentally bumped into each other causing me to spill the strawberry milkshake I had on him. This incident took me back to that night at Malika's party when I stained Gale's shirt with Soda.

"My bad," I apologized but as I was walking away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to where I was standing a moment ago.

"Am not done with you yet," he barked, looking like he was about to hit me.

I was about to punch all his teeth out for even daring to touch me when.........

"I suggest you keep it moving" he said , pulling me away from Steve and behind him.

"Stay out of this,Gale," Steve growled against gritted teeth.

" Say one more word and I'll.........."

" What are you going to do haa?" He interrupted " I don't see how this involves you cause I was talking to that bitch behind you"

Oh no he didn't! Before I knew it, Gale lunged at Steve punching squarely in his face with so much force that he flew backwards,his body knocking into the wall before he slid to the ground,a trail of blood immediately oozed down his face. As if not in pain,he stood up looking like he was about to kill Gale and attacked him.

I stood there frozen as I watched Gale and Steve exchange blow's. A crowd of students formed around Gale and Steve and it wasn't long before the principal stormed into the cafeteria calling Gale,Steve and I to his office.


"Cheryl honey,are you alright?" She was checking me to see if I had any cuts or bruise's anywhere.

" Mum am fine," I said,right before she pulled me into a hug.

" What happened sweetheart?" I could tell that she was really worried by the tone of her voice.

"Gale and some guy called Steve got into a fight because of me." I plainly explained. I had mentioned Gale to my mum once or twice but she had never met him.

Before she could ask me any more questions,Gale and a woman who I figured was his mum walked out of the principal's office and my mother was called in.

Gale and his mum talked for some time before he walked away looking really pissed out. I couldn't hear what they were talking about because I was on the other end of room.

Minutes later,my mother walked out of the principal's office, escorted by the principal himself and she was all happy and blushing as she talked to him. After they talked for a minute or two,she took out what looked like one of her business cards and gave it to him before giving him a hug and walking toward me

What the heck was happening?

The first thought that came to mind was that Principal Tembo and  my mother liked each other and I prayed I was wrong.


On the way home,my mum kept smiling and I couldn't help but ask.

"Mum, what's going on between you and Principal Tembo? I finally managed to ask after escaping my thoughts.

"Kevin and I used to date in highschool and am just so happy to see him again after so many years"

WHAT! My mum and Principal Tembo used to date? Unbelievable.

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