Chapter twenty-six: Deceit

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History was my last class before lunch. I had been looking up at the large wall clock at the front of the class and it's hands were ticking slower than ever and I was growing really impatient.

I tried to pay attention to what Mr Lungu, our new substitute was teaching but that didn't seem to work. I then decided to take out my notebook and write down some questions that I wished to ask Calvin and that seemed to help and before I knew it, class was over.

I sprinted out of class before anyone else and rushed to the cafeteria. I took a tray and got myself a cheese burger and one of the low grade chocolate milkshakes they served in the cafeteria. I took a seat three tables away from Calvin's usual table as my eyes scanned the room for Calvin. I finally spotted him and his friends coming into the cafeteria.

After they had gotten their food and we're now seated at their table, I decided to go over and ask to speak to Calvin.

I dreaded going over to Calvin's table because well,Calvin was good friends with Steve, the guy I accidentally bumped into and poured a milkshake on in this very cafeteria just days after I first transferred here. I knew Steve was going to be a total jerk to me but I really needed to speak to Calvin.

I took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to go over and ask Calvin to talk. As I walked to the table, Steve, Calvin and the rest of their friends were laughing about something but as soon as Steve noticed me heading over to their table, the smile he had on his face quickly changed into a grimace.

"Hey umm Calvin, can I please have a word with you? " I asked, trying to avoid all eye contact with Steve

"What is it Cheryl?" Surprise crossed his face as he turned to face me while his friends suddenly fell silent

"I'd rather we talk in the hallway or the garden in short somewhere private." The puzzlement on his face became more evident but he nodded his head in agreement and got up to follow me but before we left, Steve opened his mouth to speak and said......

"You're done having fun with Gale and now you have moved on to the next rich boy you could think of right you slut?"he insulted, making everyone at the table laugh.

Did he just assume I was with Gale for fun and money? On a normal day, I would punch the life out of this imbecile but I had a lot to ask Calvin in very little time so I decided to let this slide and just walk away.

We left the cafeteria and decided to talk in an empty class.

"Cheryl,am so sorry about my friends. They are always like that and whatever Steve said shouldn't get to you alright,"

Were my ears playing a prank on me or did Calvin just apologise? I always assumed that Steve and all his friends were just as much of a jerk as he was but am glad to know my assumptions about Calvin were wrong.

"That's alright Calvin" I assured him and smiled.

"Please just call me Cal. Only my grandma still calls me by my full name." Wow, he's even more friendly than I expected

"Alright Cal. I have a tonne of questions I need to ask you." I sighed and closed the door to the class to have more privacy

"Go ahead" he said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"So,I hear you and Clara were together," I began.

"Yeah that's true" he responded

"Do you know about the pregnancy?" I questioned.

"Another one?" He claimed

What does he mean by another one? Was Clara pregnant again before now?

"Cal,what do you mean another one?"

"Well some time before you transferred to this school, Gale had a thing with Clara but Gale wasn't a relationship kind of guy until we all discovered he was dating you. He only fooled around with Clara and had no intention of being serious with her but she thought what they had was serious and special and when he suddenly decided he wanted nothing to do with her,she ran into my arms for comfort. I really liked Clara and we ended up getting intimate with each other." He paused and sighed

"Just a few weeks later,she became pregnant for me but said she wanted to get rid of it. I tried to talk her out of the idea of getting rid of the baby and assured her that I would take responsibility of her and the baby she agreed but days later,she told me she went through with the abortion because she wasn't ready to become a teenage mom and later she cut all communication with me." The surprise on his face was now replaced by sadness

"Cal,how long ago was that?" I asked hoping to get the response I was looking for

"She told me she was pregnant a little over three months ago"

Jackpot! I knew the baby wasn't Gale's and I just found the evidence I needed. At this point,I was bouncing off the walls with so much joy and was having a hard time hiding my excitement from a confused Cal

"Cal,what if I told you your baby is still alive?" I smiled

"You mean to tell me Clara didn't get rid of the baby?" he asked,a smile forming on his face.

"Yes" I nodded in agreement

"Oh my goodness! This is awesome. But why did Clara hide this from me?" The smile on his face disappeared

"Clara is the best person to answer that. Right now she has Gale believing it is his baby. So after my detention today which will end bt 5pm,I will meet you at Lulu's and we'll proceed to go talk to Clara and Gale." He gave me a weak smile then we exchanged phone numbers and headed back to the cafeteria.

*Do you think this is the end of Clara's well calculated plan or does she have more tricks up her sleeve. Comment what you think.*

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