Chapter thirty: Faded(Last chapter)

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Hey guys! I just want to say a huge thanks for sticking around to see my story come to an end. This is the last chapter of my story and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to all who read, voted, commented and even shared. It really means a lot to me. I love you guy's and hope you enjoy this chapter 😘


As I walked out of the police station, I sighed in relief that the nightmare I had experienced barely two hours ago was now finally over.

For a moment, as Clara had that gun pointed straight at my head, I thought I was never walking out of that building alive but miraculously, am still here. From that time at the hospital when she tried to make it seem as though I was the one after her, I always knew she was a messed up girl but I didn't think she was actually capable of hurting anyone.

Out of all this I realized that she wasn't some kind of villain or cold hearted person, she was just broken inside and tired of constant rejection.

"Cheryl!" Gale called out to me as I was about to leave with Wana and my mother.

"Can I please, have a word with you?" Gale said

"Mum, you can go home, I'll call you to come pick me up once am done" I assured her

"Are you sure you are going to be alright sweetheart?" She asked, worry written all over her face

"I'll be fine mum." I reassured her right before I walked up to Gale

I watched as she drove away and then turned to face Gale

"Cheryl I..." I cut him short as I said,

"Not here Gale. I know a quiet place around here. Follow me."

I began walking towards the second gate of the station as Gale followed behind. After walking for about five minutes, we came to a stop at the banks of some hidden stream not too far from the police station.

I secretly came to this place whenever things weren't going right in my life. The Sound of the water flowing always had a way of calming me down and the chirping of the bird's in the trees always made all my thoughts disappear.

"Cheryl, how did you find this place?It's so breathtaking." He acknowledged.

"I stumbled upon it just day's after we moved to this town as I was touring around." I responded as I sat down on a log.

Gale joined me on the log and we sat there in silence. Just appreciating the beautiful scenery before us. After minutes of silence, Gale finally spoke.

"Cheryl I am really sorry that I didn't believe you and drove you out of my house. It was so stupid of me to even think you could ever want any harm to come to me or to anyone. I know there's no excuse for what I did but I was so confused and scared of becoming a teen dad but deep down I was also so excited and impatient for this baby to come and wanted no harm to come to it."

"I knew deep down that you were telling the truth but I allowed myself to be manipulated by Clara and Calvin and I truly am sorry Cheryl. I understand if you never wanna talk to me or even see me ever again but please forgive me." He apologized.

I knew that he meant it and I also know that Clara can be really manipulative. I was really mad at him doubting me just minutes ago but all of that just faded away and I couldn't help but kiss him.

"I Love you Gale" I said as we continued to kiss.

"I love you more Cheryl" he responded.

We sat there in each other's arms as we watched the sun set.

"So, what's next?" Gale asked

I really didn't know what was next but one thing I knew is that I loved Gale and would like to spend forever with him but for now, at this moment, I just wanted to enjoy the view of the sunset with him

"We'll soon find out"

*Super super short Chapter but hope you liked it. Here marks the end of  THE ART OF LOVE. But still don't forget to vote, comment and share my story with someone. I have had a good first experience. I promise to do better in my next story*

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