᯽A Sᴛʀᴏɴɢ Fᴇᴠᴇʀ Tᴏ Dᴇᴀʟ Wɪᴛʜ᯽

195 11 31

(so not related to the story but I like it so I put it, I am talking about the song not the chapter btw!🙂)

(3rd person's Pov.):

(Y/N) was now laying on the couch uncontious (If it spelled wrong then plz don't mind it....😅), her fever made the skeletons worry yet some of them prefered to hide it rather than showing it...

Her head had a cold towel soaked with water, it soon bacame hot due to the heat rising from her forhead and mix with the cold air produced from the towel....

Horror was sitting beside her for the first day, and the rest of the sanses were doing thier things except Mystery and Cross!

Mystery sure was doing some unexplainable things of hers in the kitchen!

As for cross he was talking to X!Chara or so, he was talking about how to get some stuff for (Y/N) without drawing attention from the mortals or aka humans...

Horror kept your head on his bonelap as he held back his hunger for human flesh yet he sensed something wierd from u, you didn't smell like humans and you were pale (sorry if u wanted a different skin color but bieng pale is important in this story 😅).

(Nightmare's Pov.):

I was in my room, thinking......

~Flash Back To 5 Months Ago~

After we heard the sirens we let the girl go as we all his in the shadows and some on the roofs, yet we followed her to make sure this isn't a trap from the star brats!

She was oddly pale and covered with blood, scars and bruises....

She was heading up a mountain of some sorts, it only had 1 house so I assumed it was her house...

She entered the door as I saw a woman and a man, I assumed these were her parents and I was right!

The woman dragged her to the basement and I could hear screams and pleading for stopping....

I was shook, this kid didn't even show emotions so what the heck is going on? I knew that the rest also had the same expression as me, so we just continued waiting till all of a sudden the screaming stopped....

After a few moments the woman came out with blood all over her and an evil smirk all over her face....

(art is mine, yet Ik it is poorly edited but plz bare with me! Also imagine blood on her because I forgot it

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(art is mine, yet Ik it is poorly edited but plz bare with me! Also imagine blood on her because I forgot it....😅)

.....she honstley looks like a brat and if I am right the girl screamed her name, I think it was 'Rosetta'? (sorry if your name is Rosetta, if it is then feel free to change the name!)

I honstley don't think it suits her....

After a while I saw a man come bye, I think it was the father?

(he is a vampire, it is needed due to the fact you are half vampire and half human snake, your mother is half human snake and your father is a vampire! Also this art isn't mine)

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(he is a vampire, it is needed due to the fact you are half vampire and half human snake, your mother is half human snake and your father is a vampire! Also this art isn't mine)

"Allen, your back sweetheart!" I heard Rosetta call to the man....

He kissed her, ew!

I mean he looked good but he acted off so it didn't suit him right....

But something isn't right, the girl had 2 white strips on her bangs, yet it didn't seem like dye so where did she get it from?

Not to mention the crescent on the top of her head....

(didn't see that coming did ya, no ? Ok....)

After a few hours the girl came with new and fresh cuts and bruises, she was shaking and struggling to walk...

Idk why but I felt bad, u felt the need to help her?


What is so important about her?

I shrugged it off and continued to watch, she was headed to the kitchen. She apparently wanted to cook, or was forced as it seemed....

She was a good cook, I could tell form the smell and the way the food looked like!

I saw her parents yank her off the way, wait.....they aren't letting her eat?!

Wait...why do I care?!

What has gotten into me? I am the king of nightmares not a softie......

~End of FlashBack~

That was when I knew what happened to her....she didn't deserve it, all the bullying, abuse?

She seemed nice and innocent to do something like that! (totally innocent 🙂)

I decided to check on her, after all her fever kicked in hard....

(3rd person Pov.):

Nightmare left the room and went to find (Y/N), he didn't show the worry on his face but deep inside he was panicking...

He developed feelings for (Y/N) during those long 5 months....

When he arrived down stairs, he found (Y/N) laying there, she looked paler than usual if that was even possible, she was huffing, she was sweating bullets and her face was a bit red....(no pun intended!)

She was laying on Horror's lap...

That triggered Nightmare, and the rest of who even passed them...

Mystery returned to the living room with a bowl of cookies and chocolate while her other hand had some sort of warm towels....

She placed them down on the coffee table and held one of the towels, she placed it on (Y/N)'s head while showing a small Cayn blush....

(Y/N) started to twitch a bit, it was starting to worry the skeletons!

By the time passing by, the whole bunch made it to the living room.

(Y/N) was sick true, but she was also thirsty for blood, her hunger was rising every second. She didn't know how to control it but her venomous side (the snake form OwO) kept her in her form!

The skeletons started to notice fangs out if the corner of thier eye sockets and that made them worry more!


Sorry if this was short but plz bare with me, school ain't giving no mercy any time soon!

Have a nice day, afternoon, evening, or night! ❤️

Also if u have any requests or ideas feel free to put them in the comments!

Ok Bai!!!

Date: 30/1/2021
Words: 1036

᯽Rᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ Hᴜʀᴛs᯽ (bad sans x reader) Where stories live. Discover now