Bullies and Beautiful Love.

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Prolouge. Cady.

Cady logged onto "level.com" in tears. She knew what was being posted on her profile. It was nothing new to her. "You're such a skank." "Kill yourself." "Wanna blow me?" "You suck... Literally." There were more thumbs ups on the mean posts than on her own statuses or pictures. She was beautiful to her friends but unbearable to everyone else, she could never understand why. The week before she went to a party at Darcie Jenkinson's house. Darcie was the head cheerleader. Of course Cady went, she thought it was so cool to be invited to a cheerleader's party. Well, to make a long story short, she got very drunk and had sex with Tyler, Darcie's exboyfriend. Some people think Darcie forced Tyler to practically rape Cady but of course Darcie denies every accusation even related to that topic.

Cady shut her laptop, began crying harder and slammed her head onto the desk where it rested. She felt the blood pour out of her forehead. She began to get up from the chair she was sitting in but she fell imediately. The world starting spinning and then went black.


Prolouge. Kellin.

Kellin logged onto "level.com" afraid. He knew what was being posted on his profile. It was nothing new to him. "Ew, fag." "Go kill yourself." "You emo fuckbag, go cut yourself." "I will cut you, oh wait, you do that to yourself. Thanks for saving me time."  There were more thumbs ups on the mean posts than on his own statuses or pictures. He had no friends. Never had a girlfriend, he was barely noticed. He had though, fallen deeply for Cady. They were in every class together. Throughout Kellin's life, he's been bullied. He did have a best friend named Ryan who stuggled with the same problem at one point. Ryan had problems with this girl for a long time and to make a long story short, they dated then broke up. The girl bullied Ryan and then Ryan commited suicied by hanging himself in his closet, leaving his little brother to find his body. Kellin's been solo ever since. He never tried to make any other friends since then because he's been afraid they would commit suicide leaving him alone all over again.

He closed his laptop and threw it into a heap of dirty clothes piled up on the black-carpeted floor of his room. Kellin reached under his matress, pulled out a steak knife and started to make deep, hollow cuts in his arms. He was smart enough to not hit any vains, however. He threw the steak knife covered in blood at the dartboard stuck to the wall at the foot of his bed. There were at least four other steak knives in the dartboard but this one hit the bullseye. "Bullseye, Kellin." he said to himself and just looked at the blood gushing from his forearms.


Chapter 1. Cady.

When she woke up, she blinked over and over again. The light stung her olive eyes. Her head was wrapped up in something soft but stiff. She kind of felt like a mummy to say the least. 

"Cady?!" Said a voice excidedly. Cady sat up. She saw her dad standing over her. 

"Where's mom?" Cady asked, woozy and confused. Her dad put his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. Her head was enveloped in the fluffy pillow and her dad leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"She's still at work. I told her you fell on the stairs and hit your head off the banister." He stroked her hair, well, what wasn't covered by the gauze anyway. He gave her a fake smile. 

Cady trusted her dad so much more then she trusted her step mother. Her real mother left Cady and her father when Cady was seven and never came back. So when Cady was fifteen, her father met her step mother and last year when she was seventeen, they married. She loved her step mother who was much better than her real mother who was always drunk. Her step mother was always working and when she would come home after work, she was always grumpy and she always complained how it was "Such a long day at the office." as she flicks her heels off in the front hall. Cady always joked with her and called her the wicked step mother but their relationship was very strong. Yet, she still trusted her dad more than anyone in the world. 

"You know why don't you?" Cady asked, tearing up. Her dad nodded and motioned toward the laptop he had brought with him and set on the chair next to the one he was sitting in which was positioned right next to Cady's hospital bed.

"I know Darcie forced Tyler to rape you. Everyone does." he stroked the outline of her chin with the side of his index finger.

"Thank you, Daddy." She said, fully crying now. She grabbed the rough hand that was stroking her face and placed it in the crease of her collarbone and her neck and she snuggled it as she drifted off to sleep.

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