Chapter 4

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Chapter 4. Kellin. 

Kellin heard a knock on his door and a small voice from the other side. "Kel, it's almost time for your group meeting." 

"Mom, do I have to go? I hate going there." His voice was shakey from crying but he tried his best to hide it.

His mom opened the door. "Kel, you have to go. I know you don't like it but it's for your own good." she saw the cuts on his arms and the new knife in the dartboard but said nothing as usual. 

Kellin looked at his mother with sad eyes, "I guess I'll get dressed then."

His mom nodded and she backed out the door. At the last moment, she popped her head back in his room, "Oh and Kel? Nice bullseye." She shut the door and he smiled. 

Most people would think it's wrong to make a joke about your son cutting himself but it was healthy for Kellin and his mom. They were all eachother had. Kellin's father was a soldier. When Kellin was around seven, a man in a simalar uniform as his dad would wear, showed up at their front door. He was clutching his hat. When little Kellin opened the door, he could see the tears in the soldier's eyes. "Is your mommy home?" The soldier asked, bending down to Kellin's level. Little Kellin nodded and soon his mother was in the doorway and Kellin was sitting on the stairs, watching the soldier and his mom through the glass door talk out on the porch. Pretty soon his mother's face went blank of all color and she dropped to her knees and started sobbing. The soldier tried to comfort her but it only made him cry. Kellin was little but he was strong. He knew what all this meant. He knew his daddy wasn't coming home. 

From then on, Kellin started dressing in dark clothes, listening to different music, and dying his hair black. His mom was all he had. It was even worse when Ryan was gone. If anything was more certain than that, it was the fact that Kellin was all his mom had and she would do anything to make sure she didn't loose him.

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