Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. Kellin.

Kellin woke up and looked over at his alarm clock. It was a whole new day since he cut himself. He looked down at the dried blood and lightly scabbed cuts on his arms. He sat straight up, flung his legs over the side of his bed and walked over to the heap of clothes that cradled his black laptop. He picked his laptop off the heap and put it on his bed. He took off his pants and changed into sweats and took off his shirt, leaving his abs uncovered. He was on the school's soccer team but still had no friends. He was the starting right mid-fielder and he was good at his position. His love of running shone through. He had beaten Randy Fisher out of the position when he first joined the team. Ever since then, Randy starting calling him out for having long hair that cast a dyed-black veil over his face, for wearing almost all black clothes, and for listening to dark, disturbing music. 

Kellin walked over to the mirror hung on his wall that was half broken. He looked at his knuckles and remembered when he punched out the bottom half of his mirror. When Randy Fisher first started bullying him. In all honesty, Kellin hated Randy because he dated Cady and broke her heart. Kellin knew everything about Cady. She plays soccer for the school too. That's how they met. In the beginning of fourth grade, they were on the same soccer team and at that time they both played defense. Kellin had fallen deeply for Cady. She liked him, too for a while. Then when Kellin had rounded up enough courage to ask Cady out in the beginning of eighth grade, she rejected him because she was dating Randy. He cheated on her several times in their relationship but Kellin could never find enough courage to ask Cady out again. She completely forgot about Kellin because she started hanging out with the popular kids and they haven't spoken since eighth grade. 

He picked up a comb and ran it through is black hair. Flipping his hair, his reflection stared back at him. Mocking him. His icy blue eyes twinkled. He ran his fingers through is hair. It was so soft. Sqeezing his eyes tight, he thought to himself, I wish Cady were here in my room right now. Fighting back tears, he snapped the slender comb in half and he threw it on the gound. Warm tears stained his flawless face. One tear even fell onto his arm, burning his cuts. "I would give anything for Cady to be here with me right now." He sobbed.

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