Chapter 2

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After the long group hug the three boys went to their rooftop place and are now sitting in silent on the couch.

"What... What exactly happen to you in the past weeks?", asked Su Wan silently, breaking the silent. Him and Yang Hao both looking curious at Li Cu, hopping for an answer.

Li Cu sighs, bending forwards, elbows on his knees and head in his hands, "A lot."

The other two just kept starring at him, waiting for him to continue.

Li Cu turns his head looking at his two friends, sighs again and let himself fall against the backrest of the couch he is sitting on. He doesn't know how to start or in general he doesn't know if he wants to remember everything that happend.
But he got both of the involved in everything, so they deserved to know.

After another round of silence Li Cu sighs again "Ok, ... as you probably already know, the Wang Family held me hostage at Gutong Jing. They were searching for a snake that could contain the secret of immortality in their pheromones. That's also the reason they took me with them, since nobody of their clan can read pheromones they needed me to do it. ... I met When Qiong there. She was a part of the Wang clan and they wanted me to join them too. When Qiong told me to join them, because if I would have refuse they would have killed me.
So I joined them. Wu Xie also had a message for me where he said that I should gain their trust and things like that. ... The Wang clan is horrible! They don't care for their people, if they die they won't care. ... They started to trust me at some point and started to give me the venom from the snakes to read them. Wu Xie knew that that would happen and gave me instructions what to tell them.
After a while I was able to send him the location of the Wang clan. He, black glasses and more came to attack the Wang clan. ... But the day before they came I needed to runaway since they thought that me or Su Nan where betraying the Wang clan. In the end it was kinda both of us I think, haha. ... When Qiong followed us and wanted to distract the people following us ...", Wu Ci took a deep breath, "and they killed her ... Su Nan grabbed me and we were able to run from them. But after we realised that Wu Xie is in the Wang mansion Su Nan turned back to warn Wu Xie of the poisoned gas. We made it thankfully in time."

Li Cu finished telling the most important things and another silent was brought over them.

After processing everything Li Cu told them Yang Hao was the first to speak,"It seems you went through a lot"

"And we couldn't do anything to help you ... If we just knew where you where, we could have come to save you.", said Su Wan gloomily.

Li Cu chuckle a little,"haha, I appreciate the fact that you would have come to the Wang clan to save me, but I am really happy you couldn't find my whereabouts, because then you probably would have been killed. Haha."

"Don't laugh at that.", Su Wan pouted.

"Ok, sorry. Haha. But you need to tell me now why you have a knife with you."

Su Wan looked shocked,"You noticed?... How?"

"I was trained at the Wang mansion. But tell me know why you carry it with you."

"Ohh, you know uhh ... I wanted to find you and begged black glasses to train me," he scratched his head sheepishly," and he told me to choose a weapon. The knife was the first thing I touched and he said that this now my weapon. ... first I wasn't happy with the knife, because it isn't a really cool weapon, but he told me to carry it with me 24/7 and to use it as much as possible and now I kinda like it. ... Yang Hao also joined the training"

Li Cu smiled at his friend and ruffled Su Wan's hair, "So we all learnt how to fight. Haha. Zheng Yi won't be a problem for us anymore."

The three smiled at each other, happy to be together again.


Thank you for reading this story!❤️

I am not really good at writing and English so I don't know how it will go, but still thanks for reading this chapter.

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