Chapter 14

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Garrus was making some late breakfast since he had overslept talking to Nihlus all night when he heard a knock coming from the apartment door. He opened the door and saw his mother in the doorway, her hands full of bags. She looked like she had bought the whole supermarket.

"Mother," Garrus said walking over to help her wiping his hands on the apron. "What's all this?"

"Groceries," she replied heading toward the kitchen. "Don't tell me you forgot?"

"I-" Forgot what?

"Nyreen is coming over for dinner," his mother said. "We agreed that you would be cooking."

"When did this happen?" Garrus asked surprised. How could he have forgotten?

"When you were busy at Huerta Memorial," she replied beginning to put the groceries away. "I swear whomever you were guarding had all of your attention."

"Why are you here?" his mother asked looking around. "This looks like a human apartment."

Garrus stayed silent at that remark and helped his mother put things away. She was right, Aster had taken up all his time to where he didn't remember ever having conversed with Nyreen. Let alone planning to have her over for dinner.

"It's my friend's apartment," Garrus answered. "I haven't found an apartment for myself yet. They're letting me crash here as they are gone on a mission."

"This won't do," his mother replied. "I'll get a turian size table and chairs."

"Your sister will be over in a couple of hours to help you prep everything," his mother continued. "I'll check on both of you later, your father and I will stop by after work. Nyreen should be here shortly after 7:30."

"I have Spectre business to attend," Garrus said following his mother as she headed to the door. "I can't-"

"We will be having dinner as a family and Nyreen will be our guest," his mother replied, giving him a pointed look.

Defeated, Garrus said goodbye to his mother and went to finish his breakfast and hopefully relax a bit before his sister showed up. Knowing her, she would run him to the ground to make sure dinner turned out great. He wasn't sure why Nyreen was coming over when he didn't like her, she was not his type.

Solana arrived a quarter till 4 fired up about making the best dinner Nyreen had ever tasted. Garrus wasn't as enthusiastic as she was but hoped dinner didn't get burnt. He was striving for small achievements.

Their mother arrived an hour later and helped them finish the rest of the dishes. She got someone to deliver the table and chairs for them. With her help, they were able to get everything done and had a few minutes to spare so that Garrus could pick a few messy spots his mother had pointed out.

"Mom stop fussing," Garrus said as he set the table. "It's only dinner."

"You know that your father wants a marriage between the two of you," his mother said making sure the silverware was placed correctly.

"I'm only doing this to please father but I have no intentions of getting married," Garrus replied. "I'm a Spectre, not a homemaker."

"I suggest you speak to your father," his mother said. "He had other plans for you."

"Doesn't he always?" Garrus mumbled out loud going over to the kitchen to check on the meat. "It's not like he'll give me the chance to speak to him."

'The first chance I get,' Garrus thought seasoning the meat. 'I'll let father know that I have no intentions toward Nyreen.'

At exactly, 7:45 Citadel time Nyreen showed up accompanied by her father.

"Something smells good," his father, Castis, commented going over to his mother and kissing her. "Nyreen, make yourself at home."

"Thank you Mr. Vakarian," she replied walking over to him.

"Thanks for making dinner," Nyreen said taking a peep into the kitchen. "You didn't have to."

"I didn't have a choice," Garrus said before he could stop himself.

"I didn't-" she began.

"Look, I don't have any intention toward you or any relationship with you," Garrus said making sure only she could hear. "I don't care what my father says regarding that issue. Let's have dinner and go about our way."

Garrus excused himself and went to greet his father. He wasn't sure what had gotten into him but all he knew was that he had to find Aster and make sure her name was cleared.

                                                                   *** 4 months later***

"Mrs. Steward," Shepard called out coming out of one of the waiting rooms.

A human woman got up followed by a little 5-year-old and walked toward her.

"The Professor ready to see me?" She asked smiling.

"As soon as I take your vitals," Shepard answered letting her pass into the waiting room. "Would you sit on the bed for me?"

The little girl sat on the chair by the empty bed waiting patiently.

"How are you feeling today, Mrs. Steward?" Shepard asked scanning her from head to toe.

"Feeling better but I'm still in a little pain," she replied. "I've been taking the medication as the Professor instructed."

"That's good," Shepard replied inputting the information. "This is just a follow-up appointment but feel free to speak to the Professor about any concerns you may have."

"Alright," Shepard said. "I'll take Miss Belle here with me and let the Professor know that you're ready for him."

"Ms. Vicki," Mrs. Steward warned. "Not too many sweets."

Shepard laughed a bit, "I'll try my best, Mrs. Steward. But I swear it's all Belle's fault."

Belle pouted at her before standing up and taking Shepard's hand as they left the waiting room. Sheaprd was glad to have changed her alias name just in case someone came to look for her. Belle had become costumed to spending her time with Shepard since her grandmother had begun to see the Professor for shoulder pain two months ago.

"Professor Solus," Shepard said poking her head into his office. "Mrs. Steward is waiting for you in room 3. Her datapad is on the door. I'm taking Belle to the candy shop."

As Shepard was grabbing her sweater from the reception desk, the door to the clinic opened, and in came two turians looking extremely serious and they were heading straight for her.

"Something I can help you with?" Shepard asked pretending not to recognize them.

"Professor Solus here?" the one in blue armor asked.

"He's with a patient," Shepard replied donning her sweater. "He'll be out in about 30 minutes if you want to wait."

"You in a hurry, nurse?" the one in red armor asked, leaning against the desk.

"I am," Shepard replied smiling, and walked around the desk where Belle was waiting for her. "The candy store closes in a bit."

"Excuse us," Shepard said walking past them as Belle walked in front of her.

'This will be interesting,' SAM commented.

'Did you hack in?' Shepard asked as the doors closed behind them.

'You know it,' he replied with a happy tone of voice.

Who would have thought that both Garrus Vakarian and Nihlus Kryos were looking for Professor Solus? That had to be a coincidence. Shepard sent a quick message to the Professor to warn him before taking Belle to the candy shop. She hadn't been lying when she said that the shop was closing.

A/N: Chapter 14 has been edited.

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