Chapter 33

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"Aster-" Garrus said in disbelief. "It's you. How?"

"I had to hide," Aster said, shrugging her shoulders. "It was a good thing too since you were ordered to kill me."

"I wouldn't," Garrus said immediately. "I know you're innocent. You wouldn't endanger your family like that or yourself."

"I don't have a family," Aster replied. "I thought I had made that clear at the hospital."

"They're worried about you," Garrus replied, thinking back at how John had reacted when they ask him about her. "They are upset and worried-"

"Stop," Aster said, shaking her head. "I don't care and I don't have a family."

"Wait," Solana said interrupting whatever Garrus was going to say. "Why did Aster ask you if you're a friend or foe?"

"I -" Garrus was still in shock.

"Garrus, what did you do?!" Solana asked.

"He sold me out," Aster replied still smiling. "He told the Councilor everything and even set a trap for me."

"What?!" everyone in the room shouted as the door burst open.

The next couple of minutes were chaotic as C-Sec personnel stormed the apartment and surrounded them. Their laser weapons were all pointed at Aster. Garrus couldn't imagine what she must feel like with all of those lasers on her body.

"Aster Shepard," one of the C-Sec members said walking over but keeping his distance. "You are under arrest for treason. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law."

Garrus saw Aster put her hands out for the cuffs that were no doubt on the way. She wasn't even resisting or protesting.

"You can't do this," Wrex said pushing through the circle that surrounded Aster.

"Wrex," Aster said calmly. "I'll be fine."

Garrus saw Wrex settled down a bit but not by much. Aster got handcuffed and taken away without any protest from Wrex or anyone in the room. They all knew that it would be pointless to protest and would only make things worse for Aster.

"Thank you for your cooperation," the same C-Sec member spoke up again. Garrus wondered if he was the leader or something.

"Spectre Vakarian, Specter Kryik Councilor Sparatus is expecting you," he continued. "I suggest you don't keep him waiting."

With that, the rest of the C-Sec personnel who stormed the apartment left leaving Garrus surrounded by angry friends.

"So much for trust," Solana said coming over to him. "What the fuck was that about? What happened to trust?"

"Solana-" Garrus began but cut off.

"I thought you could be trusted," Solana continued angrily. "Had I known you would betray my trust and Asters, I would've never have come to you."

"Solana," Garrus tried again. "N-not right now. I-"

"We are doing this now," Wrex said also coming over and shoving him. "Because of you, Aster is going to be exiled or put in prison."

"What happened to wanting to help Aster?"

"I do want to help Aster," Garrus replied pushing Wrex back.

"By turning her in?" Wrex asked with a scoff. "That's some way of helping her."

"How could I have known Shepard was Mina?" Garrus asked also getting angry. "No one would tell me anything about her. I asked several times."

"That's because we didn't know if we could trust you," Wrex spat out. "We were right about you. I doubt it would have changed how you treated Aster."

"Had I known it was Aster I would have never-"

"Turned her in?" Solana asked cutting him off again. "You're ridiculous."

"Garrus," Nihlus said speaking up for the first time since Aster was taken away. "We should go see Councilor Sparatus. We don't want to keep him waiting."

"What's done is done," Nihlus said as he headed out of the apartment. "We'll figure it out."

Both Spectres headed out of the apartment and made their way towards the Presidium where the Councilor's office was located. Garrus wasn't sure if something was bothering Nihlus since he had been awfully quiet, not even his subvocals were telling him how Nihlus actually felt.

"Nihlus," Garrus said as they got on the elevator to the Presidium. "I-"

"Not here," Nihlus said in a very low voice, almost like a whisper. "Don't know who is listening."

Listening? Garrus thought to himself. Who would be listening?

Although he had a lot to say, Garrus didn't say anything else to Nihlus since it didn't seem he wanted to speak. When they arrived at the Councilor's office they were rushed in by the Councilor's assistant who appeared to be waiting for them.

"Good you're both here," Councilor Sparatus said in greeting waving his assistant away. "I'm glad to hear that the business with the traitor has finally come to a close."

Both Garrus and Nihlus grunted in response unsure of what to say. The Councilor was not acting like his usual self. Garrus glanced at Nihlus and could tell that he also noticed the Councilor's odd remark.

"Don't forget to turn in your reports as soon as possible," the Councilor continued. "It's best to get this matter done and over with as quickly as possible. We don't want anything happening as a result of this incident."

"Yes, sir," both Spectres replied in union.

"Nice work on this assignment. Keep up the good work," Councilor Sparatus said as the intercom buzzed.

"Sir," the assistant said. "Your next appointment is here."

"Be ready for your next assignment," the Councilor said as Garrus and Nihlus excused themselves.

Garrus led the way back to the elevator deep in thought. Something was definitely going on with the Councilor. His behavior was not normal for his usual self. He had spoken way too much, compared to his last interactions with Garrus.

Is the Councilor in trouble? Garrus wondered. Something must have happened to get him to act as he did.

When the elevator arrived at the correct floor, Garrus headed to his apartment not caring if Nihlus followed him or not. Somewhere in his gut, Garrus knew that Nihlus didn't want to discuss anything with him at the moment and Garrus wasn't in the mood to deal with it either. A lot had happened and Garrus needed time to sort through it all.

Finding out that Mina was Aster all this time had left him reeling. He was angry, confused, he felt betrayed and he was just fed up with everything. Garrus still couldn't believe that no one had ever told him who Mina really was. Why had they kept it a secret for so long?

Garrus knew that Solana had known all this time since it was she who brought Mina/Aster to him in the first place. She had known and as a sibling couldn't even give him that courtesy. Had he known Mina was Aster he would have done things differently; no question about it. His manners and conversations would have been different. All in all, there was just one thing that Garrus couldn't wrap his mind around: how could they expect him to put blind faith in a stranger that he knew nothing about?

Feeling more confused than ever, Garrus headed up to his apartment and decided he needed a long hot steaming shower to clear his mind and relax a bit. 

A/N: Chapter 33 has been edited.

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